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All your activity reduces to "discussing" Ukraine civil war, sitting at the settle. Moreover, I thought in a funny farm any type of activity under forbiddance.


Darling,  ))) are you sure you can speak English?   )))  )))  )))

If Prompt (or Translare.ru or Mrs Psaki or whoever) told you so, don't be so stupid to believe, they lied to you, poor thing :)

What I'll tell you: it's none of your business what we're all doing sitting in our chairs (on coaches or whatever) or standing on the bricks of Red Square or even being in our own beds.

If you want to "discuss" Ukrainian civil war, you'd better go to your "funny farm" Ukraine; Mr.Poroshenko is waiting for you ))))) with your "reduced activity" )))))

Don't waste your time with all your silly off-top posts here in English Club. We have no story about Ukraine to tell you

Изменено пользователем MSC
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I heard enough.


@Kote, if there is no time indications, it's better to use Present Perfect - "I have heard enough".


your cock from other topic

In English you have to use singular nouns with articles. So correct variants are "from other topics" and "from the other topic".

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@Kote, if there is no time indications, it's better to use Present Perfect - "I have heard enough".



In English you have to use singular nouns with articles. So correct variants are "from other topics" and "from the other topic".



..........Never try to teach a pig to sing, you will only lose your time and annoy the pig  :D


Upppps, these are week points of Kote: speaking English and singing songs )))))))))))))))

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than boring chat in english here

There are a lot of other topics at this forum. And there are a lot of other forums in the net. You can easily find something more exciting :)
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Oh, who has come to our club? A new expert politologist?


Do you understand what you're saying? You've been able to express no thought in English so far and you're trying to teach us what to do! Mind your own business! You'd better go to your room and do your homework. I don't need your advice and neither do the others. Good bye!

Изменено пользователем Lady LG
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All your activity reduces to "discussing" Ukraine civil war


Well...before critisizing our 'activity reduction' would you mind telling us what your own activity is realized in? I may only wonder...

We are all ears! :D 

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Why? We are :) actively living and enjoying life, actively working, actively travelling, actively going in for sports, actively loving.

Hhmmmm, I wonder what else are we expected to do actively?  :???:

 I'll explaine. When a person asks you something, you reply, give enouth information but the you don't recieve neither "thanks", neither "yes, no, I think"...neither  even "hmm..."  nothing at all. It is OK to communicate this way?  I do not know. Every area has its own  rules. For me it is a little passive mode to communicate. That is why I say it.

As for some activity you have mentioned I have got the impression (correct me if I'm wrong) that the persons perfer to realize it out of Pushkino, In Moscow,  that is right?

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As for some activity you have mentioned I have got the impression (correct me if I'm wrong) that the persons perfer to realize it out of Pushkino, In Moscow, that is right?

Hmmm...sorry, I can't make head or tail of what activity you are talking about (no offences)

About participating in the Pushkino English Club that you were asking about?

What does Moscow have to do with it... I do not understand anything :???:

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I`m active like a cat,

I prefer not lie in bed,

I can sing and dance whole day,

Where is party by the way?!






"Granny to granddaughter: - Remember, there is only one big love in life! 
- And who was your big love, granny? 
- Sailors... "
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Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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 I'll explaine. When a person asks you something, you reply, give enouth information but the you don't recieve neither "thanks", neither "yes, no, I think"...neither  even "hmm..."  nothing at all. It is OK to communicate this way?  I do not know. Every area has its own  rules. For me it is a little passive mode to communicate. That is why I say it.

As for some activity you have mentioned I have got the impression (correct me if I'm wrong) that the persons perfer to realize it out of Pushkino, In Moscow,  that is right?

First of all, thanks for your explanations, @Светолика


Frankly speaking, I realize my activities everywhere: in Moscow, in Pushkino, in some other cities of Russia and sometimes abroad :)

Every area has its own rules, I absolutely agree.  And "wherever I wander wherever I rove",  one rule I always remember: never judge all by one or two. 

Good rule, I think. But maybe not for those who just ignored all previous pages of English Club. 

You joined us on page 152 with your invitation. Some people asked you for information, some people din't. It doesn't mean they are not active, those who didn't ask you. It means they are not interesed, or they don't really need a place west part of Pushkino, near the railway station to be active with their activities, and that's all. It's normal, we all have different interests. 

Why did you say then: "The people in Pushkino are not very active"?  It is OK to communicate in this way?  I do not know. For me it is a little impolite mode to communicate when you are trying to treat all  the people in Pushkino alike. If you feel offended for having no response from some persons, you'd better say: "Mr *** and Mr****, I didn't receive from you neither "thanks", neither "yes, no, I think"...neither  even "hmm...This is a little passive communication from you!". 


Nothing personal, no offence, just explanation :)

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Oooooh, what a martial spirit I'm this week ))))))))) No more lectures, I promise :) My thousand apologies!

Viactorian's poems are a better backbone of English Club :)

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Viactorian's poems are a better backbone of English Club :)


He is the man who (No doubt!)

No one can do without!


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The first of September, first lesson. Teacher: - Please sit quietly, if you want to ask something - raise your hand. 

Peter immediately raises his hand. 

- You want to ask something? 

- No. Just checking how the system works.

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Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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Omg, what a thing I've missed! Such a nice place to reveal my English))) would you mind if I join? ) though not even trying to discuss politics)) let me share some humourous pics, totally reflecting my today)) probably you've already seen them) it's hard to scroll 150+ pages))) How many of you are here by the way?



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@Ямочка, Welcome! We are glad to meet you here! :)

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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