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  В 02.09.2015 в 15:53, Lady LG сказал:

Letter "m"!


A comb?


9. What is the best exercise for loosing weight?

It's easy! Turn your head to the right and then to the left. Do it every time you are offered something tasty...



But to lose weight and to loose weght are different things☺

That's why I answered "eating" as it makes your weight loose☺

As for hills and pills, the difference is "consonant"☺?

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Well friends you have done a good job!


And these are the answers :  :)


4. The letter m. 
5. None. The noise of the gun would frighten the other away.
 7. A comb.                                                              
8. Neither. You should use a spoon! 
9. Pushing yourself away from the table. 
10. One is hard to get up, the other is hard to get down.

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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Remember guys - Before you find your beautiful princess, you have to kiss a lot of frogs. :kiss:

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Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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  В 04.09.2015 в 05:53, victorian сказал:

Remember guys - Before you find your beautiful princess, you have to kiss a lot of frogs. :kiss:



Life is not so easy, yep! :)  In for a penny, in for a pound, darling! )))


Same about those chicks looking for princes ))))))))) poor thing )))))))

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Hello friends






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Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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Hi everybody, My name is Jimmy and I start learn English. I can't understand the Buddha's third suggestion about "be present" from upper message.
Could anybody explain?

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Oh, yes, our brain is a wonderful device! It sometimes works automatically, without our help. What do you think of this?

"Этот момент, when you start thinking на двух языках at the same time..."



  JimmYoung сказал:
I can't understand the Buddha's third suggestion about "be present" from upper message. Could anybody explain?

Hello, @JimmYoung, nice to meet you!

Well, I suppose, saying "Be present" the great thinker meant we should live our lives in the present, here and now, where happiness exists, not in the past or in the uncertain future and though our life isn't perfect and it can even be very hard, we should enjoy it and be thankful for everything we have.


P.S. Your face looks familiar to me... Do you live in Buckingham Palace?

Изменено пользователем Lady LG
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Just For fun:                                                                                                             

  A father reads his son`s school diary . 

Mathematics – F, language – F, chemistry – F, music – A. 

And he says: Oh my Good! Moreover, this moron sings!
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Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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  victorian сказал:
our brain is a wonderful device! It sometimes works automatically, without our help. What do you think of this?

Yes and it happens quite often.


Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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Hi everybody, my name is Vasya, I live in Pushkino and I would be happy to be a member of the club!

«Кто сомневается, что у России особый путь, пусть поездит по нашим дорогам» (генерал А.И.Лебедь)

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By the way, I am a professional grammarian and can answer to any questions. 

«Кто сомневается, что у России особый путь, пусть поездит по нашим дорогам» (генерал А.И.Лебедь)

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  Алексей Баюков сказал:
Hi everybody, my name is Vasya, I live in Pushkino and I would be happy to be a member of the club!

Hello, Vasya! Nice to meet you! My name is Lady LG and I'm a blonde :lady: Join us!



  Алексей Баюков сказал:
By the way, I am a professional grammarian and can answer to any questions.

Are you? I like people who have a good sense of humour! By the way, the expression "answer a question" is used without "to".

You can find it in any textbook for 10-year-old children: "Read the text and answer the questions" :P

But it doesn't matter, really... No offence.

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  В 24.09.2015 в 17:55, Lady LG сказал:

Hello, Vasya! Nice to meet you! My name is Lady LG and I'm a blonde :lady: Join us!



Are you? I like people who have a good sense of humour! By the way, the expression "answer a question" is used without "to".

You can find it in any textbook for 10-year-old children: "Read the text and answer the questions" :P

But it doesn't matter, really... No offence.


Hi Lady LG, glad to meet you|!

It seems that  you are not easily gulled :)



  В 24.09.2015 в 18:39, Molly Malone сказал:

Hi, Vasya!

Hmmm... Are you actually Vasya or Alexey? :)


Hi, Molly.

The problem is that I don’t know the English for ‘Алексей’ so I am going to use the name ‘Vasya’.


Вообще-то я гуглом переводил, но надеюсь с вашей помощью поучить английский :)

«Кто сомневается, что у России особый путь, пусть поездит по нашим дорогам» (генерал А.И.Лебедь)

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And, alas, your textbooks are right, Lady LG - we answer something and give an answer to something. Sometimes even professional grammarians are not that professional… 

«Кто сомневается, что у России особый путь, пусть поездит по нашим дорогам» (генерал А.И.Лебедь)

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