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))):) :) :flower: :flower: :16::poz: :poz: :poz: :poz:


Happy Birthday to you, dear Самира!


Many happy returns of the day!


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And this is a present for you from me. It's your portrait incrusted with crystals from Swarovski.


Dear friends, Самира is a real beauty, isn't she?


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Today is lovely holiday,

And others problems go away,

The happiness around the World,

By huge a flow to your abode.


Your life will be the best at all,

Your luck will chase you minus fall,

Your existence will be transformed,

And bliss will cover all in all.


Happy birthday Самира.



Изменено пользователем Serdar

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Dear Samira,


I wish:


- You to be always as beautiful as Venus

- Your husband to be as tame and loving as a puppy

- Your children to be as clever and obedient as angels

- Your purse to be always as full of money as victorian's mind is full of ideas )))



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My dear friend I am so happy to see your congratulations!!!!

Thank you veryyy muchh!!!


and as LAdy LG learnt us

Thank you very much! It's just what I wanted! :200:



victorian -thanks for nice poem and do not forget about a lot of new ideas :-)


Serdar -thanks for nice poem


Molly thanks for your words !!!

- Your purse to be always as full of money as victorian's mind is full of ideas


Lady Lg

thanks for so beautiful portrait ! She is very nice!!! (мне до неё далеко :-) )





thanks for so tasty sweets


8 925 532 10 10

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Dear friends! Can you guess what these abbrevations mean? What do these initials stand for?

The winner will be given a special prize!


1. B.B.C.

a) Broad Brain Company

B) Big Brother Compliment

c) British Broadcasting Corporation


2. G.C.S.E.

a) Grand Canyon Secondary Elevator

B) General Certificate of Secondary Education

c) Glossary of Certain Synonymous Entities


3. W.T.O.

a) World Trade Organization

B) Wild Toads Organization

c) Worldwide Tariffs Organization


4. N.A.T.O

a) Non-Aggressive Treatment of Oil

B) North Atlantic Treaty Organization

c) Non-Alcoholic Traffic of Oats


5. O.P.E.C.

a) Oil Producing and Exporting Countries

B) Over Production of Electricity in Countries

c) Oil Production Exported by Camels


6. I.O.U.

a) International Organization of Universities

B) International Organization of Units

c) I Owe You


7. D.M.

a) Defence Minister

B) Doctor of Medicine

c) Department of Medicine


8. R.C.

a) Railway Corporation

B) Radio Corporation

c) Red Cross


9. M.P.

a) Military Police

B) Military Power

c) Member of Parliament


10. SOS

a) Save Our Skins

B) Save Our Souls

c) Send Our Signals


11. U.F.O.

a) Unidentified Flying Object

B) Unknown Flying Object

c) Unbelievable Flying Object


Good luck and have fun!

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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How did you celebrate your birthday? Did you get a lot of presents? :200:

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How did you celebrate your birthday? Did you get a lot of presents? :16:

Molly I celebrated it well but did not receive Mazda 6 :-) maybe on my next birthday I will get it :-)

8 925 532 10 10

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Good morning, friends!


And a joke from me:


An Italian, French and Indian went to a job interview in England.

Before the interview, they were told that they must compose a sentence in English with three main words: green, pink and yellow..

The Italian was first:

"I wake up in the morning. I see the yellow sun. I see the green grass and I think to myself, I hope it will be a pink day.."

The French was next:

"I wake up in the morning, I eat a yellow banana, a green pepper and in the evening I watch the pink panther on TV..

Last was the Indian:

"I wake up in the morning, I hear the phone "green green", I "pink" up the phone and I say "Yellow"


Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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Good morning, friends!


And a joke from me:


An Italian, French and Indian went to a job interview in England.

Before the interview, they were told that they must compose a sentence in English with three main words: green, pink and yellow..

The Italian was first:

"I wake up in the morning. I see the yellow sun. I see the green grass and I think to myself, I hope it will be a pink day.."

The French was next:

"I wake up in the morning, I eat a yellow banana, a green pepper and in the evening I watch the pink panther on TV..

Last was the Indian:

"I wake up in the morning, I hear the phone "green green", I "pink" up the phone and I say "Yellow"



8 925 532 10 10

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Dear friends! Can you guess what these abbrevations mean? What do these initials stand for?

The winner will be given a special prize!


1. B.B.C.

a) Broad Brain Company

:???: Big Brother Compliment

c) British Broadcasting Corporation


2. G.C.S.E.

a) Grand Canyon Secondary Elevator

:200: General Certificate of Secondary Education

c) Glossary of Certain Synonymous Entities


3. W.T.O.

a) World Trade Organization

:) Wild Toads Organization

c) Worldwide Tariffs Organization


4. N.A.T.O

a) Non-Aggressive Treatment of Oil

:appl: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

c) Non-Alcoholic Traffic of Oats


5. O.P.E.C.

a) Oil Producing and Exporting Countries

:appl: Over Production of Electricity in Countries

c) Oil Production Exported by Camels


6. I.O.U.

a) International Organization of Universities

:appl: International Organization of Units

c) I Owe You


7. D.M.

a) Defence Minister

:appl: Doctor of Medicine

c) Department of Medicine


8. R.C.

a) Railway Corporation

:appl: Radio Corporation

c) Red Cross


9. M.P.

a) Military Police

:appl: Military Power

c) Member of Parliament


10. SOS

a) Save Our Skins

:appl: Save Our Souls

c) Send Our Signals


11. U.F.O.

a) Unidentified Flying Object

:appl: Unknown Flying Object

c) Unbelievable Flying Object


Good luck and have fun!

I ll try


1. B.B.C.

c) British Broadcasting Corporation


2. G.C.S.E.


:appl: General Certificate of Secondary Education



3. W.T.O.

c) Worldwide Tariffs Organization


4. N.A.T.O


c) Non-Alcoholic Traffic of Oats


5. O.P.E.C.

a) Oil Producing and Exporting Countries



6. I.O.U.

a) International Organization of Universities


7. D.M.



c) Department of Medicine


8. R.C.

a) Railway Corporation


9. M.P.

a) Military Police



10. SOS

c) Send Our Signals


11. U.F.O.


:appl: Unknown Flying Object

8 925 532 10 10

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Before the interview, they were told that they must compose a sentence in English with three main words: green, pink and yellow..

Why don't we do the same? I'll try:


Lady Molly has a cat,

Who is so nice,

Who is so fat!


His eyes are light GREEN,

His nose is PINK,

His ears and coat

Are pussy and clean.


Bananas he eats

Are tasty and YELLOW.

Molly is happy

To feed such a fellow.


Dear friends! Can you guess the name of Molly's cat?


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Lady LG



Dear friends! Can you guess the name of Molly's cat?

I suppose his name is Ivan Ivanovich



Molly, Molly you are pink

When we love and when we drink

Once I saw you in my dream

You were like birch - so nice and green

It is autumn, I`m sad fellow

But this birch`s so nice and yellow!


Изменено пользователем victorian

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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Dear friends! Can you guess what these abbrevations mean? What do these initials stand for? The winner will be given a special prize!


1. B.B.C.

a) Broad Brain Company

B) Big Brother Compliment

c) British Broadcasting Corporation


2. G.C.S.E.

a) Grand Canyon Secondary Elevator

B) General Certificate of Secondary Education

c) Glossary of Certain Synonymous Entities


3. W.T.O.

a) World Trade Organization

b)Wild Toads Organization

c) Worldwide Tariffs Organization


4. N.A.T.O

a) Non-Aggressive Treatment of Oil

B) North Atlantic Treaty Organization

c) Non-Alcoholic Traffic of Oats


5. O.P.E.C.

a) Oil Producing and Exporting Countries

B) Over Production of Electricity in Countries

c) Oil Production Exported by Camels


6. I.O.U.

a) International Organization of Universities

B) International Organization of Units

c) I Owe You


7. D.M.

a) Defence Minister

B) Doctor of Medicine

c) Department of Medicine


8. R.C.

a) Railway Corporation

B) Radio Corporation

c) Red Cross


9. M.P.

a) Military Police

B) Military Power

c) Member of Parliament


10. SOS

a) Save Our Skins

B) Save Our Souls

c) Send Our Signals


11. U.F.O.

a) Unidentified Flying Object

B) Unknown Flying Object

c) Unbelievable Flying Object


Good luck and have fun!


I ll try


1. B.B.C. c) British Broadcasting Corporation


2. G.C.S.E.


cool.gif General Certificate of Secondary Education


3. W.T.O. c) Worldwide Tariffs Organization


4. N.A.T.O


c) Non-Alcoholic Traffic of Oats


5. O.P.E.C. a) Oil Producing and Exporting Countries


6. I.O.U. a) International Organization of Universities


7. D.M.


c) Department of Medicine


8. R.C. a) Railway Corporation


9. M.P. a) Military Police


10. SOS c) Send Our Signals


11. U.F.O.


cool.gif Unknown Flying Object




Unfortunately most of your answers are wrong but don't worry. Ladies don't need to know such things. This test is for clever gentlemen like victorian and Serdar.

I suggest we should have a competition between them. Who will be the winner: Serdar or victorian?

I bet on ? 100 Serdar will win. Molly, jimini, Самира, do you accept my bet?

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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