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Having spent a month in the United States Mona Liza made up her mind to travel to Africa...


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In Sunday my wife and I attended The Pushkin State Museum Of Fine Arts.

There was started at last Saturday the exhibition of Salvador Dali. One and half hour we spent in the queue before entering.

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Guess the film:

- Monkey, would you like a banana?

- Well,.... what for?

- For no particular reason.



1. Nature requires five,

Custom gives seven,

Laziness takes nine,

And sloth takes eleven.


sloth – злостная лень


2. They don’t eat me alone, but cannot eat without me. What am I?


1. I don"t remember the name, but maybe it's cartoon about a monkey, elephant, boa constrictor (Udav :))and a parrot?

2.3. sleep and salt?




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You're lucky! I'd like to visit this art exhibition too. This is one of my favourite pictures by Salvatore Dali. Did you see it at the museum?

What pictures did you like? And what about Mrs Serdar?


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They don’t eat me alone, but cannot eat without me. What am I? ..salt?

Yes, that's right! :200:

Riddle 1 has already been guessed by Molly. The answer is: hours of sleep.

- Monkey, would you like a banana?

- Well,.... what for?

- For no particular reason.

- Мартышка, хочешь банан?

- А за что?

- Просто так!

The name of the cartoon is "38 parrots", so your answer is correct too.


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Lady LG

At the exhibition there is a little part of the creation of Salvador Dali.

One picture was more attracted my attention,

link http://www.dali-gallery.com/images/works/1940_12.jpg.


These pictures there were no on the exhibition.




But they were interested me.


All works of Salvador Dali: http://www.dali-gallery.com/html/allworks_c.htm

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The picture which attracted your attention is called "Group of Women Imitating the Gestures of a Schooner". It's really impressive.

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1950_18.jpg try to guess.


some hint: Did you listen about 'The Creation Of Adam' ?

Изменено пользователем Serdar

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It's difficult.

Did you hear about 'The Creation Of Adam' ?

Yes, I did. It's a part of Michelangelo's fresco in Sistine Chapel.


It looks like "Parental Guardance Suggested" (детям до 18 лет рекомендован просмотр в присутствии родителей). Is it a film?


And I have no idea what "1950" is. Some more hint, please.

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Ladies and gentlemen, for today we have the following tasks for fun and profit:


1. Serdar's :

1950_18.jpg try to guess.some hint: Did you listen about 'The Creation Of Adam' ?


Some riddles:


1. Whose face needs no washing?

2. What can you drop without losing anything?

3. Why isn’t your nose 12 inches long?


What film?


- Darling, will you marry me at last?

- Well, let me think a little more...

- How long are you going to think? We have known each other for 30 years!

- Well, I don't know. And besides your mother has never liked me!

- Yes, that's true. She has always disliked you. But it doesn't matter. Now she can't see very well.


Good luck and have fun!


And a usual joke from me:

As you know, victorian is very fond of reading. This is his dialogue with the shop assistant:


victorian: I’d like to buy a book, please.

Shop assistant: Something light?

victorian: It doesn’t matter. I have my car with me. :)

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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And I have no idea what "1950" is. Some more hint, please.

It is year. )))

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Sorry, Serdar, I understand it. The year of what? Who was born in 1950? Or:

What was created in1950? )))

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full text riddle


http://www.dali-gallery.com/images/works/1950_18.jpg try to guess name of the picture.

some hint: Did you listen hear about 'The Creation Of Adam' ?

Изменено пользователем Serdar

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Sorry, Serdar, I understand it. The year of what? Who was born in 1950? Or:

What was created in1950? )))

All files of pictures at the site http://www.dali-gallery.com/html/allworks_c.htm have name year and number of creation.

Изменено пользователем Serdar

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I have some work to do now but I'm sure to find the answer to your task tomorrow.


I was puzzled by the word "listen".


listen (to) - слушать (ушами)

hear - слышать


Example: I'm listening to you carefully but I can't hear you.


hear of - слышать, знать, что это существует


Example: Who is Michael Swan? I've never heard of him.


See you tomorrow.

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