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Evidently 'O'.It seems to me that you are right. smile.gif


There's a misprint for you, Serdar... :lol:

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I suppose that word 'it' is unnecessary.

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I suppose that word 'it' is unnecessary.

??? Where, Serdar? I can't understand what you are talking about. Misprint 11 or something else? It seems to me... ?

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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Which way is the bus below traveling...toward the left or the right?

How many wheels does the bus have?

Direction on the bus does not depend on q-ty of wheels.

it is also so simply :rolleyes:

this test for kind,

8 925 532 10 10

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I suppose that word 'it' is unnecessary.

??? Where, Serdar? I can't understand what you are talking about. Misprint 11 or something else? It seems to me... ?

My mind has jast been malfunctioned :rolleyes:.


And now Misprint 11.


"The text below contains a mistake where a word HAS an EXTRA LETTER. For example, if the word should be NOT it is printed as NOTE.


"In England the number of people going to church is going down and down. As a result, over a thousand churches had to be closed last year. The church leader said that more and more people were now looking for gold outside the church."


I think the wrong word is 'gold'.

It should be change to 'God'.

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"The text below contains a mistake where a word HAS an EXTRA LETTER. For example, if the word should be NOT it is printed as NOTE.


"In England the number of people going to church is going down and down. As a result, over a thousand churches had to be closed last year. The church leader said that more and more people were now looking for gold outside the church."

" I think the wrong word is 'gold'. It should be changed into 'God'. 

You are right again, Serdar! :rolleyes: You've found 9 misprints out of 11!


By the way, what do you think of Самира's bus? I can really see only two wheels in the picture. The bus can't travel on two wheels. :appl:


Dear friends, give us your riddles and interesting tasks, please! I'm tired of writing...


See you!

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Riddle for everybody.


What do you call a bull asleep on the ground?

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And now I think it's time to tell you the truth. As a matter of fact, Jack was very lazy and greedy. He wasn't clever either but he was a tall handsome fellow and had great success with girls. Though Jack was nearly 25 he didn't work at all. He wasn't going to study and make his carrier. The young man lived with his elderly father who worked hard from morning till late at night and paid all Jack's bills.


Well well well, Natasha had some skeletons in the wardrobe, too. Actually, she wasn’t as plain as one may think. She had loads of boyfriends in internet besides him. “Odnoklassniki.ru” to be precise… She had Hans from Germany nicknamed “Deine Scharfe Deutsche Wurst” (Your hot german sausage), Mario from Italy also known as “Horny Makaroni”, Andreas from Turkey “Turkish Delight”, John from Great Britain “Very Big Ben” and even a guy from Russia from Otradnoe, Vasya, nicknamed “Vasya”. Jack from the USA was the first to visit her in Pushkino, but she didn’t know that ….


...Vasya from Otradnoe was on his way to her place too. Natasha and Vasya had been pen friends for a long time. They had never met before but they often had long talks on the phone. mobile.gif


This date with Vasya was quite good, I would even say hot. "Vasya-Vasilek, how wonderful you are!" she thought. "Would you like one more cocktail, honey?" she asked him. "OK" Vasya said, stretching himself and relaxing in the bed, " and come to me, my kitty". It was dark in bedroom and quiet musik was so nice. "It`s not a problem, Jack will be my husband and Vasya - lover", Natasha thought. "Oh life is so wonderful!".


It was heavy hangover next morning but only one thought lived in Jack`s ill head - "I must be rich, I must be rich in any way or Natasha would go to this russian slob Vaska, well I`d start my own business, but what sort? :rolleyes:

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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It was heavy hangover next morning but only one thought lived in Jack`s ill head - "I must be rich, I must be rich in any way or Natasha would go to this russian slob Vaska, well I`d start my own business, but what sort? 107[1].gif


At this moment he caught sight of a newspaper lying on a stool. It was “Pushkinskiy Vestnik”. He found the word “rabota” and guessed it means “job”. “Pizza maker and kuri grill maker. No special knowledge demanded.”

“Wow, I am going to grill chickens…hey hey, I am very good at grilling chicks. And then I’ll start my own chicken business. I am going to earn a lot and Natasha will fall on her knees begging me to marry her… Yeah, I am so cool!”


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It was heavy hangover next morning but only one thought lived in Jack`s ill head - "I must be rich, I must be rich in any way or Natasha would go to this russian slob Vaska, well I`d start my own business, but what sort? 107[1].gif


At this moment he caught sight of a newspaper lying on a stool. It was “Pushkinskiy Vestnik”. He found the word “rabota” and guessed it means “job”. “Pizza maker and kuri grill maker. No special knowledge demanded.” “Wow, I am going to grill chickens…hey hey, I am very good at grilling chicks. And then I’ll start my own chicken business. I am going to earn a lot and Natasha will fall on her knees begging me to marry her… Yeah, I am so cool!” cool.gif

And since then Natasha started to call him - "My dear Jack-chicken" :rolleyes:

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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And now I think it's time to tell you the truth. As a matter of fact, Jack was very lazy and greedy. He wasn't clever either but he was a tall handsome fellow and had great success with girls. Though Jack was nearly 25 he didn't work at all. He wasn't going to study and make his carrier. The young man lived with his elderly father who worked hard from morning till late at night and paid all Jack's bills.


Well well well, Natasha had some skeletons in the wardrobe, too. Actually, she wasn’t as plain as one may think. She had loads of boyfriends in internet besides him. “Odnoklassniki.ru” to be precise… She had Hans from Germany nicknamed “Deine Scharfe Deutsche Wurst” (Your hot german sausage), Mario from Italy also known as “Horny Makaroni”, Andreas from Turkey “Turkish Delight”, John from Great Britain “Very Big Ben” and even a guy from Russia from Otradnoe, Vasya, nicknamed “Vasya”. Jack from the USA was the first to visit her in Pushkino, but she didn’t know that Vasya from Otradnoe was on his way to her place too. Natasha and Vasya had been pen friends for a long time. They had never met before but they often had long talks on the phone.


This date with Vasya was quite good, I would even say hot.

"Vasya-Vasilek, how wonderful you are!" she thought.

"Would you like one more cocktail, honey?" she asked him.

"OK" Vasya said, stretching himself and relaxing in the bed, " and come to me, my kitty".

It was dark in bedroom and quiet musik was so nice.

"It`s not a problem, Jack will be my husband and Vasya - lover", Natasha thought. "Oh life is so wonderful!".


I womder where Jack was at the time of the date... What was he doing? Oh. I know. Before Vasya (95 kg, tall, hairy) arrived, Natasha had given him two Jaguar cocktails and hid him on the balcony. And Americans aren't used to drinking Jaguar so very soon Jack was drunk and pleased... Suddenly he noticed an old dirty rug on the balcony and lay down on it. As a pillow Jack decided to use his stylish American jacket. The weather was fine and he felt comfortable. Soon Jack was snoring loudly. He saw Natasha in his sleep. She was digging in the garden and he was sitting in the armchair watching her. Natasha was wearing an old torn shirt and garden trousers which were too big for her. How beautiful she was !


It was heavy hangover next morning but only one thought lived in Jack`s ill head - "I must be rich, I must be rich in any way or Natasha would go to this russian slob Vaska, well I`d start my own business, but what sort?"

At this moment he caught sight of a newspaper lying on a stool. It was “Pushkinskiy Vestnik”. He found the word “rabota” and guessed it means “job”. “Pizza maker and kuri grill maker. No special knowledge demanded.”

“Wow, I am going to grill chickens…hey hey, I am very good at grilling chicks. And then I’ll start my own chicken business. I am going to earn a lot and Natasha will fall on her knees begging me to marry her… Yeah, I am so cool!”


And since then Natasha started to call him - "My dear Jack-chicken"


(Molly, you're inimitable as always! :cb: )




And what about Vasya? Did Natasha introduce him to her American boyfriend?

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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Ladies and gentlemen, it's difficult to find what is left so from time to time I have to sum up:

There're six tasks for the present moment:



"Mrs Hudson was given a box of chocolates. The box contained forty five sweets. There were twice as many soft centres as there were hard centres. Mrs Hudson enjoyed eating chocolates with soft centres. Was she pleased with the present? How many chocolates with a soft centre were in the box?


2. Самира's bus (page 39)


3. Serdar's riddle: "What do you call a bull asleep (sleeping?) on the ground?


4. A new riddle from me: " A man was wearing black. Black shoes, trousers, a coat, gloves and a hat. He was walking down the street with all street lamps off. A black car was coming towards him with its lights off too, but somehow managed to stop in time. How did the driver see the man?"


5. Misprint 12 for Serdar and everyone:


The text below contains a mistake where a word HAS an EXTRA LETTER. For example, if the word should be NOT it is printed as NOTE.

"Helen Collins, the film star, became ill while she was having her hair cut at a London salon yesterday. The hairdresser took Miss Collins outside to get some fresh hair and she soon felt better. She returned to the salon and told reporters later that she was pleased with her new style."


6. And our untitled story, of course


I hope I haven't missed anything. See you! :plach:

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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The text below contains a mistake where a word HAS an EXTRA LETTER. For example, if the word should be NOT it is printed as NOTE.



"Helen Collins, the film star, became ill while she was having her hair cut at a London salon yesterday. The hairdresser took Miss Collins outside to get some fresh hair and she soon felt better. She returned to the salon and told reporters later that she was pleased with her




Should be the word - air

Изменено пользователем Самира

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Test for you:

Which way is the bus below traveling...toward the left or the right?


Can't make up your mind? Look carefully at the picture again. Pre-schoolers all over the United States were shown this picture and asked the same question, and 90% of them gave the correct answer!





Изменено пользователем Самира

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