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Dear friends!

Please, follow the plot and mind the order of events in the story. Molly, how could Natasha be in bed with Vasya and at the same time give alcohol to Jack? It's too much... Natasha was light-minded but she wasn't a ........... I suppose you were in a hurry. I'll try to correct tenses and some mistakes, but not all as it isn't MY own story



And now I think it's time to tell you the truth. As a matter of fact, Jack was very lazy and greedy. He wasn't clever either but he was a tall handsome fellow and had great success with girls. Though Jack was nearly 25 he didn't work at all. He wasn't going to study and make his carrier. The young man lived with his elderly father who worked hard from morning till late at night and paid all Jack's bills.


Well well well, Natasha had some skeletons in the wardrobe, too. Actually, she wasn’t as plain as one may think. She had loads of boyfriends in internet besides him. “Odnoklassniki.ru” to be precise… She had Hans from Germany nicknamed “Deine Scharfe Deutsche Wurst” (Your hot german sausage), Mario from Italy also known as “Horny Makaroni”, Andreas from Turkey “Turkish Delight”, John from Great Britain “Very Big Ben” and even a guy from Russia from Otradnoe, Vasya, nicknamed “Vasya”. Jack from the USA was the first to visit her in Pushkino, but she didn’t know that Vasya from Otradnoe was on his way to her place too. Natasha and Vasya had been pen friends for a long time. They had never met before but they often had long talks on the phone. mobile.gif


This date with Vasya was quite good, I would even say hot.

"Vasya-Vasilek, how wonderful you are!" she thought. "Would you like one more cocktail, honey?" she asked him.

"OK" Vasya said, stretching himself and relaxing in the bed, " and come to me, my kitty".

It was dark in the bedroom and quiet music was so nice.

"It`s not a problem, Jack will be my husband and Vasya - lover", Natasha thought. "Oh life is so wonderful!"


I wonder where poor Jack was at the time of the date… What was he doing? Oh, I know. Before Vasya (95 kg, tall, hairy) arrived, Natasha had given him two Jaguar cocktails and hid him on the balcony. And Americans aren’t used to drinking Jaguar, so very soon Jack was drunk and pleased…

Suddenly he noticed an old dirty rug on the balcony and lay down on it. As a pillow he decided to use his stylish American leather jacket. The weather was fine and he felt comfortable. Soon Jack was snoring loudly. He saw Natasha in his sleep. She was digging in the garden and he was sitting in the armchair watching her. Natasha was wearing an old torn shirt and garden trousers which were too big for her. How beautiful she was!


Back soon. See you! :trud:

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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The text below contains a mistake where ONE LETTER in a word IS WRONG. For example, if the word should be CAT it is printed as CAB.


"Two minutes from the end of the match Edwards scored his first goal for his country. The tall blind player from Swansea, playing in only his second game for Wales, went past three English players before putting the ball past the goalkeeper into the net",

'The tall blind player...' - This is so unexpectedly :200:.


I expect the word 'blind' should be change by the word 'blond'.

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I have a riddle for everybody if you don't mind.


What is the difference between clever man and fool?

Изменено пользователем Serdar

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"...The tall BLOND player from Swansea,.... not BlIND"

You're quite right again, Sedar! :200: You've found 8 misprints out of 10! Why are you so quick-witted?

I have a riddle for everybody if you don't mind.

What is the difference between clever man and fool?

We don't mind, Serdar! On the contrary, you're always welcome! Write any riddles and tasks for us! If there're mistakes in them, don't worry! I'll correct them a little bit. We all make mistakes even in Russian to say nothing of English.


So, ladies and gentlemen, what have we got for the present?


1. Serdar's riddle: "What is the difference between a clever man and a fool?"

(I'll try to guess it tomorrow, now I'm too sleepy)


2. One more riddle: "The poor have two, the rich have none, millions have many, you have one. What is it?"


3. A new task for Serdar and everyone:


"Dr Watson entered 221b Baker Street just as the housekeeper, Mrs Hudson, stepped on the scales to weigh herself.

"Be careful not to break those scales, Mrs Hudson," he said with a smile.

"Do you mean that I'm overweight?" she snapped.

"Of course not," said Watson ironically. "But out of curiosity, just how heavy are you?"

"I'm exactly 79 lbs. plus half my own weight," she replied.

What was Mrs Hudson's correct weight? Note: 1lb = 1 pound = 1 фунт ~ 0,5 kg


4. And our story, of course. By the way, can anybody think of the title for it?


Good night! See you tomorrow! :D

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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Why are you so quick-witted?

I don't know. :8):

But decryption of the riddles with misprint consists of two steps:

- find word;

- find misprint.

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"Dr Watson entered 221b Baker Street just as the housekeeper, Mrs Hudson, stepped on the scales to weigh herself.

"Be careful not to break those scales, Mrs Hudson," he said with a smile.

"Do you mean that I'm overweight?" she snapped.

"Of course not," said Watson ironically. "But out of curiosity, just how heavy are you?"

"I'm exactly 79 lbs. plus half my own weight," she replied.

What was Mrs Hudson's correct weight? Note: 1lb = 1 pound = 1 фунт ~ 0,5 kg

Full weight consists of two halves that is '[half my own weight]+[half my own weight]=correct weight'.

Using riddle i can write expression [79lbs]+[half my own weight]=correct weight,

thereby the answer is 79+79=158(lbs) the correct weight.

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Yes, Serdar, you're right again, but you should have given the answer in kilos so that it was clear for everybody: Mrs Hudson's weight is 158 lbs, it's about 80 kg.


One more task for you and everyone:


"One spring morning Dr Watson was walking through Hyde Park with his sister. Watson pointed to a boy with red hair sitting on a bench and said, "This boy is my nephew."

"Well, he isn't my nephew," replied the woman. Can you explain this?


See you later! Have fun! :8):

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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1. Serdar's riddle: "What is the difference between a clever man and a fool?"

I don't know the answer but I remember the saying.

It says: "Wise men learn by other men's mistakes, fools - by their own."

It seems to me this is the correct answer. Am I right? :8):


See you!

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Yes, Lady LG, you're right. My answer is more shorter.


Wise man thinks himself.

Изменено пользователем Serdar

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A wise man thinks himself.

Well, I agree with you. And what about the riddle:

"The poor have two, the rich have none, millions have many, you have one. What is it?"

I'll help you. It's a lexical riddle. :8):


See you!

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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"The poor have two, the rich have none, millions have many, you have one. What is it?"


maybe -trouble :200:


and one riddle from me


:102: I come in darkness, but fill the mind with light. I bring enlightenment to some, while gripping others in the hand of fear. With me it can be a journey of inexplicable joy and sorrow. What I will show you will often be unreachable. Journey with me and what you see may haunt you. Journey with me and you may never want to return home. Journey with me and you will never know when it will end. What am I? :16:

8 925 532 10 10

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"One spring morning Dr Watson was walking through Hyde Park with his sister. Watson pointed to a boy with red hair sitting on a bench and said, "This boy is my nephew."

"Well, he isn't my nephew," replied the woman. Can you explain this?


I have two variant of answer


1. "Well, he isn't my nephew," replied the woman (answered woman ? but not his sister/ maybe answered another woman :200: )


2. Dr Watson and his sister is native only on the father (I am not sure that I wrote right . На русском родные по отцу но не по матери )

8 925 532 10 10

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"The poor have two, the rich have none, millions have many, you have one. What is it?"


maybe -trouble :conf:


and one riddle from me


:16: I come in darkness, but fill the mind with light. I bring enlightenment to some, while gripping others in the hand of fear. With me it can be a journey of inexplicable joy and sorrow. What I will show you will often be unreachable. Journey with me and what you see may haunt you. Journey with me and you may never want to return home. Journey with me and you will never know when it will end. What am I? :16:

I think this dream :dream:

Изменено пользователем gimini




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"The poor have two, the rich have none, millions have many, you have one. What is it?"


maybe -trouble :conf:


and one riddle from me


:16: I come in darkness, but fill the mind with light. I bring enlightenment to some, while gripping others in the hand of fear. With me it can be a journey of inexplicable joy and sorrow. What I will show you will often be unreachable. Journey with me and what you see may haunt you. Journey with me and you may never want to return home. Journey with me and you will never know when it will end. What am I? :16:

I think this dream :dream:


you are right :16:

8 925 532 10 10

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"The poor have two, the rich have none, millions have many, you have one. What is it?"
maybe -trouble 10_confused.gif

No, I'm afraid you're wrong. I've already helped you: it's a lexical riddle. :dream:


See you soon!

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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