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One more misprint:

The text below contains a mistake where ONE LETTER IS MISSED!

For example, if the word should be BOX it is printed as OX.


"Artist, Pablo Cassels, lost his pants on the London Underground last week and he has offered ?200 to the person who returns them. Pablo was travelling on the Circle Line from 3.00 to 3.30 p.m. on Thursday the 26th. If you have any information, phone

0178 334 56 56."

Word with the misprint is "pants". I have two answers: paints, plants - one or the other.

Изменено пользователем Serdar

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Word with the misprint is "pants". I have two answers: paints, plants - one or the other.

Serdar! Your answer is absolutely right! ))) The ARTIST lost his PAINTS, that's why he was so worried.

What about the riddles? And join us in writing a story! ))) You can add a sentence or a phrase anywhere: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end.


See you! )))

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On this brilliantly sunny May morning, Pushkino was looking at its best... The sun was shining brightly in the cloudless sky and the birds were singing. Everyone was hurrying on his affairs without noticing natural beauty of nature. And then suddenly those who were sitting in the square next to the cinema Pobeda saw something really extraordinary... They looked at the monument to Pushkin and Krylov and couldn't believe their eyes! Our two great poets had disappeared and two ugly steel monsters were sitting in their place! One of them had a notebook on his lap and the other was drinking beer and talking on the mobile phone.But the table at the foot of the monument remainedthe same: "To Pushkin and Krylov."


At the sight of the monument an old woman who was passing by fainted, a little boy dropped his ice-cream, a little girl burst into tears and a long-haired teenager fell off his skateboard.


Suddenly a big long black limousine stopped by the square, the door opened and president Medvedev went out. He was accompanied by Zurab Tseritelly. "- Hello, Pushkino!" - he said. "I`d like to build a new monument here ",Zurab Tseritelly said. - Sure it will be the statue of your lovely mayor Mr. Lisin. Well I suppose it won`t be too big, just about 150 meters high. And of course I`ll rebuild this old monument, it`ll be Pushkin, Krylov and Mr. Medvedev in the middle. And all my statues will be created in modern style. You know, I'm famous all over the world and especially in Moscow.

So the next day an American arrived in Pushkino. He was a tipical Yankee, tall, strong, easygoing and impudent. He wanted to meet the girl here, he knew her only through internet for two years and never met really.

Изменено пользователем victorian

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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On this brilliantly sunny May morning, Pushkino was looking at its best... The sun was shining brightly in the cloudless sky and the birds were singing. Everyone was hurrying on his affairs without noticing natural beauty of nature. And then suddenly those who were sitting in the square next to the cinema Pobeda saw something really extraordinary... They looked at the monument to Pushkin and Krylov and couldn't believe their eyes! Our two great poets had disappeared and two ugly steel monsters were sitting in their place! One of them had a notebook on his lap and the other was drinking beer and talking on the mobile phone.But the table at the foot of the monument remainedthe same: "To Pushkin and Krylov."


At the sight of the monument an old woman who was passing by fainted, a little boy dropped his ice-cream, a little girl burst into tears and a long-haired teenager fell off his skateboard.


Suddenly a big long black limousine stopped by the square, the door opened and president Medvedev went out. He was accompanied by Zurab Tseritelly. "- Hello, Pushkino!" - he said. "I`d like to build a new monument here ",Zurab Tseritelly said. - Sure it will be the statue of your lovely mayor Mr. Lisin. Well I suppose it won`t be too big, just about 150 meters high. And of course I`ll rebuild this old monument, it`ll be Pushkin, Krylov and Mr. Medvedev in the middle. And all my statues will be created in modern style. You know, I'm famous all over the world and especially in Moscow. When Muscovites look at my monument to Peter the Great they feel such deep emotions that tears of joy run down their cheeks."

So the next day an American arrived in Pushkino. He was a tipical Yankee, tall, strong, easygoing and impudent. He wanted to meet the girl here, he had known her only through internet for two years and never met really.

The girl whose name was Zina lived in a big block of flats in the centre of Pushkino.

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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On this brilliantly sunny May morning, Pushkino was looking at its best... The sun was shining brightly in the cloudless sky and the birds were singing. Everyone was hurrying on his affairs without noticing natural beauty of nature. And then suddenly those who were sitting in the square next to the cinema Pobeda saw something really extraordinary... They looked at the monument to Pushkin and Krylov and couldn't believe their eyes! Our two great poets had disappeared and two ugly steel monsters were sitting in their place! One of them had a notebook on his lap and the other was drinking beer and talking on the mobile phone.But the table at the foot of the monument remainedthe same: "To Pushkin and Krylov."


At the sight of the monument an old woman who was passing by fainted, a little boy dropped his ice-cream, a little girl burst into tears and a long-haired teenager fell off his skateboard.


Suddenly a big long black limousine stopped by the square, the door opened and president Medvedev went out. He was accompanied by Zurab Tseritelly. "- Hello, Pushkino!" - he said. "I`d like to build a new monument here ",Zurab Tseritelly said. - Sure it will be the statue of your lovely mayor Mr. Lisin. Well I suppose it won`t be too big, just about 150 meters high. And of course I`ll rebuild this old monument, it`ll be Pushkin, Krylov and Mr. Medvedev in the middle. And all my statues will be created in modern style. You know, I'm famous all over the world and especially in Moscow. When Muscovites look at my monument to Peter the Great they feel such deep emotions that tears of joy run down their cheeks."

So the next day an American arrived in Pushkino. He was a tipical Yankee, tall, strong, easygoing and impudent. He wanted to meet the girl here, he had known her only through internet for two years and never met really.


And the first date, in the square. To be honest he had the girlfriend in New York city, this Jane, afro-american, 120 kilos, well you can imagine but now...well. He was so excited and these butterflies fluttered in his stomach. She came almost on time, just was late only for 2 hours. And she was breathtaking creature! Slim blondy with deep blue eyes ))) He was shocked and fell in love at once. Oh these russian girls, it`s something mystery and crazy...

Изменено пользователем victorian

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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On this brilliantly sunny May morning, Pushkino was looking at its best... The sun was shining brightly in the cloudless sky and the birds were singing. Everyone was hurrying on his affairs without noticing natural beauty of nature. And then suddenly those who were sitting in the square next to the cinema Pobeda saw something really extraordinary... They looked at the monument to Pushkin and Krylov and couldn't believe their eyes! Our two great poets had disappeared and two ugly steel monsters were sitting in their place! One of them had a notebook on his lap and the other was drinking beer and talking on the mobile phone.But the table at the foot of the monument remainedthe same: "To Pushkin and Krylov."


At the sight of the monument an old woman who was passing by fainted, a little boy dropped his ice-cream, a little girl burst into tears and a long-haired teenager fell off his skateboard.


Suddenly a big long black limousine stopped by the square, the door opened and president Medvedev went out. He was accompanied by Zurab Tseritelly. "- Hello, Pushkino!" - he said. "I`d like to build a new monument here ",Zurab Tseritelly said. - Sure it will be the statue of your lovely mayor Mr. Lisin. Well I suppose it won`t be too big, just about 150 meters high. And of course I`ll rebuild this old monument, it`ll be Pushkin, Krylov and Mr. Medvedev in the middle. And all my statues will be created in modern style. You know, I'm famous all over the world and especially in Moscow. When Muscovites look at my monument to Peter the Great they feel such deep emotions that tears of joy run down their cheeks."

So the next day an American arrived in Pushkino. He was a tipical Yankee, tall, strong, easygoing and impudent. He wanted to meet the girl here, he had known her only through internet for two years and never met really.

And the first date, in the square. To be honest he had the girlfriend in New York city, this Jane, afro-american, 120 kilos, well you can imagine but now...well. He was so excited and these butterflies fluttered in his stomach. She came almost on time, just was late only for 2 hours. And she was breathtaking creature! Slim blondy with deep blue eyes lady.gif He was shocked and fell in love at once. Oh these russian girls, it`s something mystery and crazy...

The girl whose name was Zina Skovorodkina lived in a big block of flats in the centre of Pushkino.


Back soon!

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On this brilliantly sunny May morning, Pushkino was looking at its best... The sun was shining brightly in the cloudless sky and the birds were singing. Everyone was hurrying on his affairs without noticing natural beauty of nature. And then suddenly those who were sitting in the square next to the cinema Pobeda saw something really extraordinary... They looked at the monument to Pushkin and Krylov and couldn't believe their eyes! Our two great poets had disappeared and two ugly steel monsters were sitting in their place! One of them had a notebook on his lap and the other was drinking beer and talking on the mobile phone.But the table at the foot of the monument remainedthe same: "To Pushkin and Krylov."


At the sight of the monument an old woman who was passing by fainted, a little boy dropped his ice-cream, a little girl burst into tears and a long-haired teenager fell off his skateboard.


Suddenly a big long black limousine stopped by the square, the door opened and president Medvedev went out. He was accompanied by Zurab Tseritelly. "- Hello, Pushkino!" - he said. "I`d like to build a new monument here ",Zurab Tseritelly said. - Sure it will be the statue of your lovely mayor Mr. Lisin. Well I suppose it won`t be too big, just about 150 meters high. And of course I`ll rebuild this old monument, it`ll be Pushkin, Krylov and Mr. Medvedev in the middle. And all my statues will be created in modern style. You know, I'm famous all over the world and especially in Moscow. When Muscovites look at my monument to Peter the Great they feel such deep emotions that tears of joy run down their cheeks." So the next day an American arrived in Pushkino. He was a tipical Yankee, tall, strong, easygoing and impudent. He wanted to meet the girl here, he had known her only through internet for two years and never met really. And the first date, in the square. To be honest he had the girlfriend in New York city, this Jane, afro-american, 120 kilos, well you can imagine but now...well. He was so excited and these butterflies fluttered in his stomach. She came almost on time, just was late only for 2 hours. And she was breathtaking creature! Slim blondy with deep blue eyes lady.gif He was shocked and fell in love at once. Oh these russian girls, it`s something mystery and crazy...


The girl whose name was Zina Skovorodkina lived in a big block of flats in the centre of Pushkino.

- Hi babe! - he said - let`s go to your place!

- Oh no way! - she blushed - there is a park near here and we can just go for a walk for a while.

- All right - he sighed

Изменено пользователем victorian

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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- So, sweety, be my guide. Show me the loveliest places of interest in Pushkino,- he told her.

- All right, but first of all let's eat something. I know a place where Shaurma is sold. Have you ever tasted our russian shaurma cooked by the caring hands of boys from sunny tadzhikistan?

She smiled and touched his hand gently.

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What doesn't exist but has a name?
Is it vacuum, Molly?


No, it is not. It's NOTHING.


One more riddle: What kind of animals can jump higher than a house?

See you

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On this brilliantly sunny May morning, Pushkino was looking at its best... The sun was shining brightly in the cloudless sky and the birds were singing. Everyone was hurrying on his affairs without noticing natural beauty of nature. And then suddenly those who were sitting in the square next to the cinema Pobeda saw something really extraordinary... They looked at the monument to Pushkin and Krylov and couldn't believe their eyes! Our two great poets had disappeared and two ugly steel monsters were sitting in their place! One of them had a notebook on his lap and the other was drinking beer and talking on the mobile phone.But the table at the foot of the monument remainedthe same: "To Pushkin and Krylov."


At the sight of the monument an old woman who was passing by fainted, a little boy dropped his ice-cream, a little girl burst into tears and a long-haired teenager fell off his skateboard.


Suddenly a big long black limousine stopped by the square, the door opened and president Medvedev went out. He was accompanied by Zurab Tseritelly. "- Hello, Pushkino!" - he said. "I`d like to build a new monument here ",Zurab Tseritelly said. - Sure it will be the statue of your lovely mayor Mr. Lisin. Well I suppose it won`t be too big, just about 150 meters high. And of course I`ll rebuild this old monument, it`ll be Pushkin, Krylov and Mr. Medvedev in the middle. And all my statues will be created in modern style. You know, I'm famous all over the world and especially in Moscow. When Muscovites look at my monument to Peter the Great they feel such deep emotions that tears of joy run down their cheeks. Unfortunately there're some ignorant and uncultured people who don't understand my art, but you're not like them, dear friends, are you? The statue of Pushkin and Krylov was old-fashioned but now it looks terrific!" Medvedev and Lisin began to applaud cheerfully but the citizens of Pushkino kept silent.


It so happened that the next day an American arrived in Pushkino. He was a tipical Yankee, tall, strong, easygoing and impudent. He wanted to meet the girl here, he had known her only through internet for two years and never met really. And the first date, in the square. To be honest he had the girlfriend in New York city, this Jane, afro-american, 120 kilos, well you can imagine but now...well. He was so excited and these butterflies fluttered in his stomach. She came almost on time, just was late only for 2 hours. And she was breathtaking creature! Slim blondy with deep blue eyes lady.gif He was shocked and fell in love at once. Oh these russian girls, it`s something mysterious and crazy...


The girl whose name was Zina Skovorodkina lived in a big block of flats in the centre of Pushkino.


- Hi babe! - he said - let`s go to your place!

- Oh no way! - she blushed - there is a park near here and we can just go for a walk for a while.

- All right - he sighed.

- So, sweety, be my guide. Show me the loveliest places of interest in Pushkino,- he told her.

- All right, but first of all let's eat something. I know a place where Shaurma is sold. Have you ever tasted our russian shaurma cooked by the caring hands of boys from sunny tadzhikistan? She smiled and touched his hand gently.

Five minutes later Zina and the young American were walking hand in hand towards

Sovetskaya Square.


Back in an hour. :lol:

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Dear friends,

Our story is getting more and more interesting but... Самира, Serdar, why aren't you taking part in writing? Join us! B)

What doesn't exist but has a name?
Great! :lol: I'd never guess!



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On this brilliantly sunny May morning, Pushkino was looking at its best... The sun was shining brightly in the cloudless sky and the birds were singing. Everyone was hurrying on his affairs without noticing natural beauty of nature. And then suddenly those who were sitting in the square next to the cinema Pobeda saw something really extraordinary... They looked at the monument to Pushkin and Krylov and couldn't believe their eyes! Our two great poets had disappeared and two ugly steel monsters were sitting in their place! One of them had a notebook on his lap and the other was drinking beer and talking on the mobile phone.But the table at the foot of the monument remainedthe same: "To Pushkin and Krylov."

The composition of sculptures is rather dynamic. What the interesting moment has been printed (frozen) by the monument? Dialogue is yearned for it.

Изменено пользователем Serdar

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Dear friends,

Our story is getting more and more interesting but... Самира, Serdar, why aren't you taking part in writing?

I will try to be hold on,

But my job is going on.

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The composition of sculptures is rather dynamic. What the interesting moment has been printed (frozen) by the monument? Dialogue is yearned for it.

I'm sorry, Serdar, but I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you mean. If the dialogue (which one?) yearns for something, complete it, please.


Serdar:[i will try to be hold on. But my job is going on.]

So are ours. I'm sure most of us write while we're at work... :P Of course, jobs are different and we can be away from the keyboard.


You see, ladies and gentlemen, Serdar is the best at finding misprints so far. He's found 3 out of 5!

SERDAR, here's one more misprint FOR YOU (and everyone):


The text below contains a mistake where ONE LETTER in a word IS MISSED.

For example, if the word should be BOX it is printed as OX.


The teacher was giving a health talk to the class and warned her pupils not to kiss animals or birds.

"Can you give me an example of the anger arising from kissing animals or birds,


"Yes, Miss. Aunt Mary used to kiss her dog."

"Well, and what happened?"

"The poor dog died."


And we have two riddles again.


An old one: "Mary's mother, Mrs Simpson, had exactly four children. The first was April, the second was May, the third was June. What was the name of her fourth child?

And a new one:

What kind of animals can jump higher than a house?


Come on, everybody! See you tomorrow. Good night! ;)

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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The text below contains a mistake where ONE LETTER in a word IS MISSED.

For example, if the word should be BOX it is printed as OX.


The teacher was giving a health talk to the class and warned her pupils not to kiss animals or birds.

"Can you give me an example of the anger arising from kissing animals or birds,


"Yes, Miss. Aunt Mary used to kiss her dog."

"Well, and what happened?"

"The poor dog died."

I think misprint in this text is word "anger". Instead of this i'd like to use word "danger".

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