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Now I'd like you to translate a very simple sentence from English into Russian. After you've done it, I'll give you an electronic translation and we'll have fun together





ну а теперь(сейчас) люди,вы слышали новости?

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translation ну а теперь(сейчас) люди,вы слышали новости?

Yes, Самира, that's right, but it would be more literary to translate it like this:

"Эй, народ, слыхали новости?"


And now an electronic translation:

"Эй, теперь люди (персонал), имею Вас слышал новости." :D


One more: translate into Russian:


"As the warm air rises cooler air takes its place."


After you've done it, I'll give you an electronic translation and we'll have fun together.


See you again! :blink:

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And now an electronic translation:

"Эй, теперь люди (персонал), имею Вас слышал новости." 



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One more: translate into Russian:


"As the warm air rises cooler air takes its place."


After you've done it, I'll give you an electronic translation and we'll have fun together.


See you again! :16:

Так теплый воздух поднимается, прохладный (воздух) занимает это место.

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"As the warm air rises cooler air takes its place."
Так теплый воздух поднимается, прохладный (воздух) занимает это место.
Yes, Serdar, your translation is quite good.


"По мере того как тёплый воздух поднимается вверх, более прохладный

занимает его место."

An electronic translation:

"Поскольку теплый воздушный воздух охладителя повышений берет место" :16:


Who will be the first to find a misprint?

This time the task is DIFFERENT. The text below contains a mistake where a word has an EXTRA LETTER.

For example: if the word should be NOT it is printed as NOTE.


"General Otode, the leader of the world's smallest country, lost his army in a car crash last week. The general is now in the main hospital. Doctors said that he was extremely shocked and unable to talk." indian.gif


And one more easy riddle:


"Mary's mother, Mrs Simpson, had exactly four children. The first was April, the second was May, the third was June. What was the name of her fourth child?"


Have fun! See you! :16:

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Who will be the first to find a misprint? Цитата This time the task is DIFFERENT. The text below contains a mistake where a word has an EXTRA LETTER. For example: if the word should be NOT it is printed as NOTE.


"General Otode, the leader of the world's smallest country, lost his army in a car crash last week. The general is now in the main hospital. Doctors said that he was extremely shocked and unable to talk." indian.gif

I`ll be the first one! )))

I`m sure - The general is now in the MAN hospital. - cos it`s impossible for general to lie with girls in a hospital.

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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"General Otode, the leader of the world's smallest country, lost his army in a car crash last week. The general is now in the main hospital. Doctors said that he was extremely shocked and unable to talk."

How can he lose "army" in a car ?

"army" - "y" = "arm" (- I think it is right answer)

Изменено пользователем Serdar

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Glad to see you again, victorian!

Our conversation is much more intersting when you take part in it!

I`m sure - The general is now in the MAN hospital. - cos it`s impossible for general to lie with girls in a hospital.

I'm afraid you're mistaken. How can a general lose his ARMY in a car crash?

"army" - "y" = "arm" (- I think it is right answer)

Serdar, your answer is right! " :D "... he lost his ARM in a car crash"


One more misprint:

The text below contains a mistake where ONE LETTER IS MISSED!

For example, if the word should be BOX it is printed as OX.


"Artist, Pablo Cassels, lost his pants on the London Underground last week and he has offered ?200 to the person who returns them. Pablo was travelling on the Circle Line from 3.00 to 3.30 p.m. on Thursday the 26th. If you have any information, phone

0178 334 56 56."


Have fun, everybody!


Don't forget about the riddles! See you! :8):

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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What gets bigger the more you take away from it?


Nobody can answer... It's a HOLE or a PIT :D


One more riddle: What doesn't exist but has a name?


See you!

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Molly Malone
Цитата What gets bigger the more you take away from it?

Nobody can answer... It's a HOLE or a PIT tongue.gif


I think it's Molly's garden pond. The more she digs out from it the bigger and deeper it gets. :8)::D


So long, see you soon!

Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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I have an idea. Let`s write/compose a novel/story all together! I mean each one writes only one phrase and other continues and so on and so on. OK?

Изменено пользователем victorian

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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OK! Will you begin, please? :P

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Nobody wants begin

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Well I begin:


On this brilliantly sunny May morning, Pushkino was looking at its best...

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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I support victorian's suggestion about writing a story all together. Why not? At least we can try. But to my mind we should add a sentence, not a phrase, otherwise it will take a very long time.

On this brilliantly sunny May morning, Pushkino was looking at its best...

... state. The sun was shining brightly in the cloudless sky and the birds were singing."


Come on, everybody and don't forget about riddles and misprints!


See you soon! :200:

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