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Yes, there are a lot of useful and interesting web-sites for learning english. I`d like to recommend:





At the same time it depends on what kind of skill you are going to improve: speaking, listening, grammar and so on. So you should choose web-site more acceptable for you and to drill this skill as much as possible, preferably 4-8 hours every day. Only in this case you`ll get good effect.

And one more point - language barrier. It`s impossible to overcome it without language practical training. It`s better to speak and make a mistake than keep silence! Good luck!

Don`t worry! Be happy!

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Mail me your player handle and where you play and I will hide your stats.

You cannot view them yourself once hidden.


Переведите пожалуйста второе предложение.

"Не исчезает истинная Дхамма,

пока не возрастает в мире Дхамма ложная.

Когда возрастает ложная Дхамма, вынуждает она

истинную Дхамму исчезнуть."

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Fly to the sky


It`s only fantasy to fly

Like eagle near Serebryanka,

What can I find in this blue sky?

Adventure? Love? Martini Bjanka?


Adventures, well, I have enough

On earth right here, every evening

And as for love, don`t make me laugh!

All girls`re for fun but not for living.


Martini, this is only friend,

When I`m sad and drunk like piggy

And I`m sure, happy end

Looks like old dog but not like eagle.

Don`t worry! Be happy!

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Dear friends! Одын little просьб - все обсуждения здесь only в режиме SREAK ENGLISH!  Для обсуждения всех остальных нюансов, как учить язык, где его учить, по каким самоучителям и т.д., в отдельной теме.  P.S. По-русски здесь будет писать только модератор. И то исключительно из воспитательных соображений.


Мы обладаем только тем, что невозможно потерять при кораблекрушении (с)

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Little tricks for learning English:

Well sure learning foreign languages is quite hard work but you can help yourself by some language tricks.

Try to write in english everywhere wehere it`s possible, in your notebook, in your computer, in your personal organizer etc. It`s quite useful for writing english. When you are out try to translate into english all signs, billboards, ads in metro, on the streets and so on. Find englishspeaking penpals in Internet, your interesting correspondence and exchange of letters will be very useful for your english skills. Do you go to Moscow to work by local train? Great. You can read english books there during an hour every morning and evening. And read, read and read english books in original as much as possible. You`ll get vocabulary in english. It`s hard to read in english only the first 20-30 books, later you will read them with joy.

Don`t worry! Be happy!

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I think it's a good advice in general, but it sounds like translated from Russian. An English speaking person would not express his/her thoughts in such a manner.

"Это невозможно!" - сказала Причина. "Это безрассудство!" - заметил Опыт. "Это бесполезно!" - отрезала Гордость.

"ПОПРОБУЙ..." - шепнула Мечта.

Делюсь знаниями Английского, немецкого и французского.

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For Pushkino it`s about 300-400rub for 1 academic hour for private lesson.

As I found out the cheapest is around 300-350 for a group lesson.

"Это невозможно!" - сказала Причина. "Это безрассудство!" - заметил Опыт. "Это бесполезно!" - отрезала Гордость.

"ПОПРОБУЙ..." - шепнула Мечта.

Делюсь знаниями Английского, немецкого и французского.

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For Pushkino it`s about 300-400rub for 1 academic hour for private lesson.

As I found out the cheapest is around 300-350 for a group lesson.

I meant personal lessons, tet a tet. The cheapest lessons are not the best one.

Don`t worry! Be happy!

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I think it's a good advice in general, but it sounds like translated from Russian. An English speaking person would not express his/her thoughts in such a manner.

The main point is I wrote for russian people.

Don`t worry! Be happy!

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I meant personal lessons, tet a tet. The cheapest lessons is not the best one.


In my opinion, if a group lesson is abot 300 RUR, a private one will cost you more.


The main point I wrote for russian people.


So you did not got my idea. As a translator I can assure you it is really of a great importance not only to translate words, but to translate them correctly.

If you refer to the books in the theory of translation you will find out that word for word translation is not a best way to transfer the information from one language to another. For instance: Naked conductor runs under the carriage - "вдоль вагона бежал голый проводник" ( correct is : вдоль вагона проходил оголенный провод). So there is a big difference between the correct translation and word for word translation.

But still the main point was not to offend you, but to give you an opportunity to improve the text once rewritten.

"Это невозможно!" - сказала Причина. "Это безрассудство!" - заметил Опыт. "Это бесполезно!" - отрезала Гордость.

"ПОПРОБУЙ..." - шепнула Мечта.

Делюсь знаниями Английского, немецкого и французского.

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In my opinion, if a group lesson is abot 300 RUR, a private one will cost you more.

You are right, I know a private lesson will cost 1500 - 2000 RUR in Moscow but for Pushkino it`s unreal tip.

And I didn`t translate anything here. I just put up some information that was understood quite correct by users.

Don`t worry! Be happy!

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I see, the most useless thing is a free advice. Well , I new it before. :)

"Это невозможно!" - сказала Причина. "Это безрассудство!" - заметил Опыт. "Это бесполезно!" - отрезала Гордость.

"ПОПРОБУЙ..." - шепнула Мечта.

Делюсь знаниями Английского, немецкого и французского.

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Well don't be offended please. We just speak about different things. By the way are you translator or interpreter? Why didn`t you write here before?

Don`t worry! Be happy!

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You've, probably, got me wrong.


No, I did you can find my posts on the previous pages. Actually I'm a housewife, but I've graduated as translator-interpreter in 1999.



I just put up some information that was understood quite correct by users.

An example of some kind of a correctly understood information is: ))) "Гражданина, ты туда не ходи, ты сюда ходи. А то снег в башка попадет, совсем мертвый будешь." ©

So, people understood not to go there because of the danger. But it was not a pleasure to hear that. :8):

"Это невозможно!" - сказала Причина. "Это безрассудство!" - заметил Опыт. "Это бесполезно!" - отрезала Гордость.

"ПОПРОБУЙ..." - шепнула Мечта.

Делюсь знаниями Английского, немецкого и французского.

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