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Dear friends! Happy Old New Year!

And how have you started this year? What are your dreams for this year? As for me I have a lot of them, one of them is visiting UK or the US .....well go ahead.

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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Thanks a lot! The same to you! I hope all your dreams will come true this year!


A joke of the day:


- Were your boyish ambitions ever realized?

- Yes, when my mother used to cut my hair
often wished I were bald-headed.


If I were you, I would visit the UK. By the way, do you know what to do if you happen to bump into a member of a royal family in the centre of London?

- Women are expected to curtsy.

- Men are expected to bow.

- Shake hands if a hand is offered by a man.

- Kiss a hand if a hand if offered by a woman.


I wish you a pleasant journey!



Изменено пользователем Lady LG
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Dear friends!


I don't like the new forum at all, do you? The background is very pale and it's difficult to read. I don't understand much and could hardly attach the picture (in fact I attached two and they were very small).


My ears on the avatar used to be so funny and I looked cool but they are not moving any more...


Do you know how to make the avatar animated again? I need your help!!!


With best wishes and kindest regards

Lady LG


Изменено пользователем Lady LG

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My ears on the avatar used to be so funny and I looked cool but they are not moving any more...


Dear Lucy, unfortunately I can`t help you but we like your avatar in any case. I assure you the moving ears are not the biggest problem and all of us love you with the motionless ears too! :D

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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Thank you very much for your attempt to encourage me. It's nice to have such faithful friends who love you despite your paralysed ears.

I visited the neuropathologist the other day and here's our dialogue:


Doctor: I can't find a cause for your illness. Frankly speaking, I think it's due to drinking. :doctor:

Lady LG: Thank you, doctor. In that case I'll come when you are sober. :lady:

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Well, Lady LG,


you complain of having paralysed ears on your new avatar...my situation is worse. I remember that my avatar was animated too, i took off one of my stockings whenever i made a fine joke, and now i am always dressed :;:


So, boys and girls, how do you like the new forum?

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Oh dear Molly,

You are so good,

And you are better,

When you are nude



Well I suppose this new forum is all right if you have friends here. Today I am going to the Book Swap Club, it`s the special place in Moscow where you can change your old english books for new one. I hope to get something interesting there.

Изменено пользователем victorian

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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I've heard of the Book Swap Club but I've never been to it. Was your visit successful? Did you get anything interesting?


I'm very fond of reading and read every evening before going to bed. Our home library is fairly large and I'm afraid if we buy any more books, we'll have no place to sleep...


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Oh dear Molly,

You are so good,

And you are better,

When you are nude


Ha ha, victorian! :lady:

How i wish it were summer now, in summer i am always nude. And now with this frost i wear at least two sweaters and two pairs of socks.

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Ladies and gentlemen!


Don't forget, Serdar's birthday is coming110%5B1%5D.gif It's on the 12th of February if I'm not mistaken. He's going to have a party.


A joke of the day:



Serdar inviting his friend victorian to his home explained where he lived and how to get to his place.

“Come to the 3
floor,” he said, “and where you’ll see the letter “S” on the door.

Push the button with your elbow and when the door opens, put your foot against it.”

“Why do I have to use my elbow and my foot?” asked victorian in surprise.

“Well,” exclaimed Serdar, “you are not going to come empty-handed, are you?”


Serdar, what would you like to get? You will be given anything you like!

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to be going to do smth. - собираться что-то сделать...

НО I'm going to go to the restaurant - не говорят так, правильный вариант: I'M GOING TO THE RESTAURANT.


Для выражения определенных планов на будущее использую Present Continuous (to be + V - ing):

I'm flying to Great Britain next Sunday - Я полечу в Великобританию на след. выходных. (т.е. вас поймут так: билет на самолет уже куплен, вы внесли эту поездку в свой график)


Простое будущее употребляем когда говорим о действиях на будущее, но с сомнением (иногда могут употребляться наречия вероятности):

I wil probably fly to Great Britain next Sunday - билета еще нет и вообще все может измениться...


Про будущее время:

в придаточных условия и времени оно не употребляется (после if и when, если это не вопросительное слово) - используем Present Simple

z.B. I will take my umbrella if it rains - Я возьму зонтик, если пойдет дождь.


Глаголы to like\don't like, to hate, to love, to enjoy:

после них, как правило, предпочтительнее употреблять герундий( инфинитив + ing)

z.B. He doesn't like doing his homework in the evenings - Он не любит делать домашнюю работу по вечерам.


простите за мои пять копеек, если не к месту, тему до конца не дочитала, а вы тут вовсю шпарите, всё - больше не влезаю...

Изменено пользователем Hamitusya

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Thank you very much!

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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Happy birthday to you!!! :beer::16: :16: :16:

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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The tenses you use to express future actions are quite correct.

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:poz: :poz: :poz: :poz: :poz: :poz: :poz:




Many happy returns of the day!


This is a present for you from me: your favourite bottle of whisky.

I bought a big bottle but I expect the attached picture to be very small as it usually happens in this new forum.



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