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One more silly riddle:


"A doctor and a nurse have a baby boy. But the boy's father is not the doctor and his mother is not the nurse. How can it be?"

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A doctor and a nurse have a baby boy. But the boy's father is not the doctor and his mother is not the nurse. How can it be


Oh dear  Lady LG, the answer is - the mother is the doctor and the father, the nurse


(And you know, I`m vegetarian and  I don`t eat sweet)

Изменено пользователем victorian

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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Dinka :appl:


Dear friends! The answer is easy: all the people in the boat were married, not single.


single - 1- один, единственный   2- холостой, незамужняя


Here's a prize for you, Dinka. It's a new keyboard made of chocolate. Do you like chocolate? I do.

dear Lady LG, 

do you know the meaning of "significant other" from my message?



significant other     

Your mate, spouse, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, steady and/or lover. Used when you don't want to be too specific, or when the details are nobody's business.
 - Why's Roger always talking about his significant other? Why don't he just say girlfriend? 

 - Because his "girlfriend" is a guy named Bruce.

source http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=significant%20other


so, if you have a significant other you are not single.


Изменено пользователем Papa

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Yes, that's right, but the riddle meant ordinary people of traditional sex orientation.


P. S. It's so nice to deal with so intelligent people like you. :appl:

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You should be more accurate with your answers. :40:

Изменено пользователем victorian

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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(And you know, I`m vegetarian and I don`t eat sweet)


OK. My prize for you is neither sweet nor meat.


Are you really a vegetarian? Why? Do you think it's good for your health or do you feel sorry for poor animals?



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@Lady LG,

I liked this picture very much! :D


Sure I feel sorry for poor animals. And it helps me to be a spiritual person! (By the way I don`t drink alсohol now also, absolutely )

Изменено пользователем victorian

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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You should be more accurate with your answers. :40:

I just wanna said that "not single" is not equal "married".

If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend you are not single. So "couples" and "significant other" is the same. 


OK. don't mention it. 

Изменено пользователем Papa

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Sure I feel sorry for poor animals. And it helps me to be a spiritual person! (By the way I don`t drink alсohol now also, absolutely )

Dear victorian!

I'm a teetotaller too, but I can hardly imagine my life without a huge ham sandwich late in the evening before going to bed ... How nice!


Some scientists say, and I agree with them, that if our forefathers hadn't eaten meat, they wouldn't have survived in the ice age.

Other people (and even animals! :P ) disagree with them. As you can see in the picture below, this wolf decided to follow your example.

Well, tastes differ...


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Take it easy! Let's go on. If you do the following task, you'll get a nice virtual prize too. Order anything you like.

By the way, do you happen to be a vegetarian too?


The task for you and everybody: Can you punctuate the sentence:


"King Charles the First walked and talked half an hour after his head was cut off."


Have fun! See you!

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I can hardly imagine my life without a huge ham sandwich late in the evening before going to bed ... How nice!


Mama-mia! It`s horrible! Dear Lady LG, you must change your life-style immediately! I beg you!


Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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I feel sorry for poor animals.

And I feel sorry for poor vegetables: carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, garlic ...



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Hey, whats up! New day begins,

Everything's so great it means

And I wish U greatest  mood

Just be nice  and looking good

 Let's get rid of problems here

New day starts, night's disappear

So good luck to everyone

Enjoying life and having fun!
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Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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"King Charles the First walked and talked, half an hour after his head was cut off."

Don`t worry! Be happy!

Да кто я такой, чтобы себе отказывать!

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And how could he walk and talk without his head, I wonder?  :27:

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