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This Paradise


I could take your breath away,

I could make this feel so right

out of the blackest shadows

into your burning light


your touch would enthrall my heart,

my touch could release your soul

lying warm and dark in your arms,

come close to me now and take control

riding through endless nights,

bury the nameless dead

the stars will rain down in the night

cast out of Heaven by jealous angels of death


together we'll rule our world

together we'll rule theirs too

lightning and thunder collide

at the edge of the world for me and you


In this Paradise you'll find just what your looking for,

beauty right before you eyes,

how could you ask for more?

Here behind these eyes,

here inside my soul

hear the screams of a crucifixion ring through the dark,

ring through the cold

reach up and pull me down

into your hallowed ground

I'll lead you into temptation,

buried in passion I'll lead you down...

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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The Black Cat


Oh Little girl

don't go away

just come to bed

and there we'll stay,


oh little girl, lie close to me

just close your eyes

what do you see?


Black Cat

entrance me,

devour me


The storm outside is raging still

there's no escape,

the one that kills


oh little girl,

the time has come

we think and move

exist as one


Black Cat

entrance me,

devour me.

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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A touch of poison seals my fate

the dawn echoes the night with my glory...the sun himself honors me


once king of roses, now lord of gold

the Gods themselves envy my hand

blessed with the gift of gilded touch

fate wields its knife to cut the thread


I curse the day my dream became my descent

suddenly I long for you, my only love


in my perfection I have no want

yet eyes still glint with greed untold

a folly as fatal as sin has now become the end of me


I curse the day my dream became my descent

suddenly I long for you, my only love


have I not earned this, the gift of beauty within?

how selfish were the Gods to keep their riches from my rightful treasure?

I truly have become one of them...my fatal flaw


oh yeah! Ive got her hook, line, and sinker!

thanks to me, shes her own new necklace!

now shes good as gold!


I curse the day my dream became my descent

suddenly I long for you, my only love


...cut the thread...

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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"Pathetic, Ordinary"



she haunts me in dreams

I see her silhouette dance across landscapes of golden

light and autumn

...in my dreams...


her soft eyes see through my tortured soul

vanishing any hope for fantasy

the thing I'd give, to prove myself to her, to make her see...


jaded eyes awake as her selfish words rain from such placid lips

still I kiss her silken flesh


frigid air leaves me breathless

foolish agony fills my lungs as I try to scream for her

I confess...I scare myself

through the howling wind, on my knees, I cry

...listen to me...


I'm broken by her silence to a love unseen

blood soaked feathers rained down

my wingless angel so broken falls gracefully from the sky

to waiting arms...to waiting arms...


frigid air leaves me breathless

foolish agony fills my lungs as I try to scream for her

I confess...I scare myself

through the howling wind, on my knees, I cry

...listen to me...


such foolish agony fills my lungs as I try to scream for her

jaded eyes wake to the sounds of my voice as I scream to her

in dreams I've seen her silhouette dance across golden light

and autumn...in my dreams...

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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"Alchemy Sounded Good At The Time"



My darling queen, I lay myself at your feet

and I shall stay the hands of fate


wind cries out, heavens boil above voicing discontent to my sins

I have found the way to trick the ferryman

I have deceived the ancient Gods


cold flesh lends to me its secrets for a price too high

I shudder at what I have done

each day brings me closer to you, my tragic victory


darling queen I lay at your feet...

chills take me as she wakes, throat gasps tainted breath

Ive reclaimed you my stolen bride

can your soul forgive my crimes of passion?

I would not close the casket; Im so consumed by your pain

faint screams echo through the night...


cold flesh lends to me its secrets for a price too high

I shudder at what I have done

each day brings me closer to you, my tragic victory


the pains of death can no longer haunt you

as the dawning sky brings forth one forsaken thought

death can not win for I now dwell in the palace of decay

and I shall stay the hands of fate


night descends, sinews twitch

my pale queen finally stands to taste silent lips now cursed with her love


cold flesh lends to me its secrets for a price too high

I shudder at what I have done

each day brings me closer to you, my tragic victory

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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"Daggers Speak Louder Than Words"



eyes open to splattered blood

cold tile mocks me as I arise to find the knife is still in my back

shifting thoughts now slow with venom

take me as I stagger...is this all we were worth?

I've lost you for good without regret

your once gentle words are bleeding from my eyes

screams of terror now fill my every breath

I know you'll rue the day you ever met me

I'll lay you down to sleep when sorrow will bury the blade hilt deep


you know I would have died for you

now I'm forced to choose between a life of revenge or regret

as I thirst for vengeance, my heart struggles to come to grips

why would you leave me to die, turn, and walk away?


alone, you stood so still as you watched me break

did it now kill you too? what has led you to the dagger my friend?


you know I would have died for you

now I'm forced to choose between a life of revenge or regret

as I thirst for vengeance, my heart struggles to come to grips

why would you leave me to die, turn, and walk away?


my revenge is made so clear midst cold tears left with the betrayed

I'll see that you never forget this

I will hunt you down like a dog

lies could never disguise what I saw behind me in you

remembering times we have shared...my friend for life is gone

we'll let the embers serve as the only memory of last days, so long ago


why would you leave me to die, turn, and walk away?

why would you leave me to die after you had buried the dagger hilt deep?


...you're dead to me...

I would have died for you

now I'm forced to choose between a life of revenge or regret

as I thirst for vengeance, my heart struggles to come to grips

why would you leave me to die, turn, and walk away?

...you're dead to me...

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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"The Last Three Letters"



dearest love,

I hope this message finds you well

as these endless thoughts drip from my soul

every single word secretly paints a fairytale

of when we will melt into one...


eyes forfeit sight to the pain

cold scalpel's steel whispers tear at my very core

as I cling to memories of you

I am so scared...so scared...I need you with me


were the last words that I wrote for you enough to tell you

that in my death the light that shone through my painful darkness

was a blinding vision of your eternal smile?


it's me again,

is it me or am I wrong to be concerned?

will the beauty of your pen ever cross my eyes again?

was this all a lie? why?


were the last words that I wrote for you enough to tell you

that in my death the light that shone through my painful darkness

was a blinding vision of your eternal smile?


make it stop, make this pounding in my head stop

fill my lungs with air, give me one more day to make her dreams come true

she understands right? that I'm not coming back...

she understands right? that I'm not coming back...

make it stop, make the pounding stop

I'm not coming back, I'm not coming back, I'm not coming back...

I don't know what happened...who would have thought my life would end up like this?

I didn't mean to hurt her, not hurt her like this...I can't feel my legs

I can't feel my legs and I can't even cry...how could somebody die like this?


if my words ever reach you I'll assume you don't care

never knew that silence could cut so deep or that you could twist the blade

now I curse all of your beautiful lies..

I love you and goodbye...


were the last words that I wrote for you enough to tell you

that in my death the light that shone through my painful darkness

was a blinding vision of your eternal smile?


cold scalpel's steel whispers tear at my very core

as I cling to my memories of you...

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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Sweat drips in my eyes...screams of lust we cry

tonight you are everything to me...youre everything...


youre everything to me no more as I wake from this perfect dream

Ill escape from Edens walls, I can not stay and live this lie

for I must think only of myself


...and to think that you would not be scared or surprised if I had severed all these ties

this is the end...


Ill lose myself in anguish for tonight, help me get over you


I feel so numb to see this bitter end of beautiful illusions

broken pieces will not mend to save our past now

it has come to this one last kiss


Ill lose myself in anguish for tonight, help me get over you

one last false apology, help me get over you


now we must let go...urgency overwhelms me as I must restrain my flood of tears

I refuse to be slave to your false beauty again...


Ill lose myself in anguish for tonight, help me get over you

one last false apology, help me get over you


in my mind blood drips from your eyes

a beautiful last goodbye

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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"Tilting The Hourglass"



you take my breathe away...

but I'll never taste your lips

as fate keeps me locked away

I must close my eyes to see your face


emptiness has darkened my eyes

as I hopelessly bed for my life to end

...tell me why...

my iron eyes tell the tale

heroes always pay in their blood

I can be only this


I see the fear growing in their lost eyes

my purpose is so clear...I am the ax

I am the ax and this is why I must not fear the end

and when I'm gone will you forget me?

pen wears its steady course across the page

resigned to it's designs to take the hive


emptiness has darkened my eyes

as I hopelessly bed for my life to end

...tell me why...

I wish I could make you see, I wish I could make you see through the pain

through the end, I wish I could make you see the greater purpose that I have to serve...

no one else will fight...no-one else will fight...so I must

my iron eyes tell the tale

heroes always pay in their blood

I can be only this


I see the fear growing in there...

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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"This Conversation Is Over"



take everything away from me silent angel...


apathy cries out from your lungs, indifference reeks of fiction

time will tell how far you will go

I can't see why you'd run and hide excluding such complacence

as tears rain from bloodshot eyes


take everything away from me silent angel

leave me nothing to remind me of this time now lost


the air now reeks with the presence of your vile voice

as your smile masks the advance you keep

...I am not your trophy...

the air now reeks with the presence of your vile voice

as your smile masks the advance you keep

...I am not your trophy...


please try to say more carefully you no longer need me

this back and forth is killing me

the only eyes you'll look into are those in your reflection

you are the means of my end


this conversation is over, it's over...

your truth is a deception meant to poison me


take everything away from me silent angel

leave me nothing to remind me of this time now lost


I can't seem to believe you ever cared for me

...this conversation is over...

your empty words now drift away as fragile whispers

I saw the day when the fire left your eyes, your tongue fell still

your treason is silence...

take everything away from me silent angel

leave me nothing to remind me of this time now lost

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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"Congratulations, I Hate You"



No one ever said that life was fair and Im not saying that it should be

so knowing that you are what you want to be and Im not comes as no surprise

but dont expect me to be happy for you

and dont smile at me and tell me things will work out for me too

I dont want your pity...I hate your pity


taste your vanity and its sweet bitterness

as you hide behind your veil of my stolen hopes and lost dreams

...you took them all...

I watched you steal my thoughts and had to see you smile


as you build your dreams on my shattered hopes

Ill look back on a day once loved and fantasize for tragedy


beg me to make this easier and listen to my hopeless cries


suffer alone in emptiness

I lust to see you swallowed by the mess that you left in your wake

disgust lies deep within your empty gaze...


beg me to make this easier and listen as my hopeless cries

send stares into your meaningless eyes


my envy cant describe how I loathe you for having all the stars

leaving my eyes to marvel the sky knowing it should be mine

yet its you I see wasting the dream that only I deserve

Ill tear off your face to see your smile.


as you build your dreams on my shattered hopes

Ill look back on a day once loved and fantasize for tragedy


beg me to make this easier and listen as my hopeless cries

send stares into your meaningless eyes

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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"The Third Temptation Of Paris"



The horizon, now as dark as the crimes that brought them here,

is filled with my impending dread

my foolish actions will cost so many good men

Achilles has come...


a thousand sails approaching

sent here in her name to reclaim the one I stole

and destroy the walls of Troy


desire leaves me numb to all the pain surrounding me

storms will arise to condemn me

I will not die before her eyes...

it ends tonight


desire leaves me numb to all the pain surrounding me

storms will arise to condemn me

I will not die before her eyes...

it ends tonight

tragically I now must accept the penance I have earned

she is cursed and tonight we die

in the dawn of this, my end, I hold my sword true

I must let her go...


a thousand sails approaching

sent here in her name to reclaim the one I stole

and destroy the walls of Troy


desire leaves me numb to all the pain surrounding me

storms will arise to condemn me

I will not die before her eyes...

it ends tonight


it ends tonight, I am alone

pain fills her eyes, I am alone


I must save my honor, I cannot let them win, the blood of many spills

sacred and profane is our love in death...

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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"A Siren's Soliloquy"



paralyzed by the beauty of those words

that so delicately drip from this angel of untamed lust

suddenly I fear the end of my solitude

once a warrior, poetic shrieks now own my soul


left behind to fight the ruthless pawns of Eris

hope will strike her down beneath the blade as she sings for him


suffering unseen now will be left to burn in her stare

but he no longer fights the torture of her voice

so long forgotten, I am lost in her stare

mad so clear as she extracts her painful toll

a soul now echoes with the torture of the sirens

...he is hers...


beautiful whispers leave one so far

chain these hands of ageless struggle

rid us of this beloved curse

an epic tale of deceit is given life once more on silver lips so spiteful

her tongue screams for him

rid us of this curse


suffering unseen now will be left to burn in her stare

but he no longer fights the torture of her voice

so long forgotten, I am lost in her stare

mad so clear as she extracts her painful toll

a soul now echoes with the torture of the sirens

...he is hers...


set loose so long ago by the foolish whim of Pandora

phantoms which shall forever prey on mankind's weakness

the grains of time hold no bearing to those eyes

in pale moonlight she sings to the haunted sea

vile notes seduce old Cerberus to slake unholy thirst


left behind to fight the ruthless pawns of Eris

hope will strike her down beneath the blade as she sings for him


suffering unseen now will be left to burn in her stare

but he no longer fights the torture of her voice

so long forgotten, I am lost in her stare

mad so clear as she extracts her painful toll

a soul now echoes with the torture of the sirens

...he is hers...

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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"Nero's Decay"



our empire has fallen

the columns came crashing down

faster that children could outrun the shadows

drunk with hysteria the survivors are running for their lives

as precious dreams erupt before their very eyes


tonight, it's over...at long last we will fall

ruins will fight in our stead


my flesh is burning from the embers

but still the brilliant tale of our utopia survives

tonight her beautiful exterior may crash and burn to ash

but the fight for her honor will rage on

I hope I never see the end

I hope I never have to live without her comfort

but for now she dies... oh Rome! so full of majesty, you're gone...


wind chokes on the ashes as acrid smoke strangles the sun

their jealous arrows ran, hollow drums pound at the gates

breaking the din of screams

our feeble offerings to forgotten Gods are left to rot in temples of their lust

as they lay forth their plans to destroy our pride, our home


tonight, it's over...at long last we will fall

ruins will fight in our stead


my flesh is burning from the embers

but still the brilliant tale of our utopia survives

tonight her beautiful exterior may crash and burn to ash

but the fight for her honor will rage on

I hope I never see the end

I hope I never have to live without her comfort

but for now she dies... oh Rome! so full of majesty, you're gone...

...beg the flames for our mercy...

these aged walls have seen too much

to forget the past in the face of this final trial

watch her crumble so true as mayhem cuts her down

let them have our treasure, her voice lives on

let them take our city for her splendor lives on


...at long last we will fall...

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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"Endings Without Stories"



this time I die


our love ruined by your malignance

broken shards of feelings are now just tainted memories left

beautiful dreams that I cherished now are so disgusting as I strangle the light from you


I watched the smile fading from your face

you bled till there was nothing in your veins

blood stains my hands so I won't forget you

its all over now so dry your eyes

there is no forgiveness, be afraid to die

blood stains my hands so I won't forget you


tears fall as your screams of anguish rage throughout the heavens

amidst the penance you must pay

caress this bullet as eyes close to the painful memories you left

consume the rest of me

my vision of you has now turned to dust, your porcelain smile gone


I watched the smile fading from your face

you bled till there was nothing in your veins

blood stains my hands so I won't forget you

its all over now so dry your eyes... there is no forgiveness, be afraid to die

blood stains my hands so I won't forget you


you let me go

you let me go too soon

I love you are meaningless words that slip away as I slit your throat

and I will slit your throat

Если бы это было так, то это бы еще ничего, а если бы ничего, то оно бы так и было, но так как это не так, то оно и не этак. Такова логика вещей

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