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There's No Other Way



You're taking the fun

Out of everything

Making me run

When I don't want to think

You're taking the fun

Out of everything

I don't want to think at all



There's no other way

There's no other way

All that you can do

Is watch them play


You're taking the fun

Out of everything

You're making it clear

When I don't want to think

You're taking me up

When I don't want to go up anymore

I'm just watching it all


(repeat chorus)


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Depeche Mode.Little 15 (перевод)


Всего лишь дитя,

Ей легче с тобой

Забыть этот мир,

Остаться сбой.

О,если б ты мог её увезти,

Счастливее место и время найти,

Сбежать не на долго

В тот мир,что светлей,

Что во взгляде твоём,

В улыбке твоей.

Всего лишь дитя...


Всего лишь дитя...

Чего же ещё?

Чего же искать,

Если всё хорошо?

Она знает,ты

На её стороне

И ещё не увяз

В их крысиной войне,

Ты её поймёшь через времена,

Когда узнаешь ты то,

Что знает она,поймёшь.

Всего лишь дитя...


Всего лишь дитя,

Зачем же её защищать?

То,что в сердце её

От мира скрывать?

Она не прошла путь разочарованья,

И есть у неё всего 3желанья:

Видеть взглядом твоим,

Улыбаться,как ты,

И чтобы иногда

Её сбывались мечты.

Всего лишь 15.

"Женщины сотканы из парадоксов, сшиты несоотретствиями и набиты взаимоисключениями.".


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огромная просьба переводы не вывешивать. Эта тема предназначена строго для РУССКОЯЗЫЧНЫХ песен. Для переводов есть другая тема:rolleyes:




В нашей жизни все бывает

И под солнцем лед не тает

И теплом зима встречает, дождь идет в декабре

Любим или нет не знаем

Мы порой в любовь играем

А когда ее теряем не судьба говорим

Лаванда горная лаванда

Наших встреч с тобой синие цветы

Лаванда горная лаванда

Столько лет прошло но помним я и ты

Лето нам тепло дарило чайка над волной парила

Только нам луна светила, нам двоим на земле

Но куда ушло все это? Не было и нет ответа

И теперь как две планеты

Мы с тобой далеки...

Лаванда горная лаванда

Наших встреч с тобой синие цветы

Лаванда горная лаванда

Столько лет прошло но помним я и ты

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Papa Tequilajazz :rolleyes:




Такая же, как и я,

Идет не глядя на тротуар,

А вместо солнца там тысячи фар

И это wild, wild side

Медленно следом за ветром и снегом

Падая пеплом на стол, где полно стекла




Такая же, как и я,

Осенним небом довольна вполне

Всем это странно, но только не мне

Ведь это wild, wild side

"Дожди в Ленинграде" - сказало нам радио

Нужно расслабиться медленно падая

Бархатным пеплом на стол, где полно стекла




Мимо пепельниц падая вниз

Мы с тобой пронеслись и укрылись страницами

Книг телефонных, где сотни имен всех таких же, как я

Но только ты так могла

Медленно падать сгорая дотла

Бархатным пеплом на стол, где полно стекла

Wild, wild side...

You leave me

Breathless Ah!

Сегодня утром пока красилась, 5 раз в обморок падала... от своей красоты...

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Они же





Скажите, ветры лестниц,

В какую дверь вчера я ночью вошел?

Зачем я постучался,

Зачем открыли мне, зачем я вошел?

Какие были люди,

О чем они шептались там, за столом,

И кто из них остался,

Во сколько свет погас потом -

Вы скажите, ветры, ветры лестниц.



Скажите, ветры лестниц,

В какую дверь я завтра ночью войду?

Узор каких обоев

Похмельным утром рядом где-то найду?

И, сразу убегая,

Чей номер запишу на скомканных полях,

Не допивая чая,

Пообещав: "Зайду на днях...",

Вы скажите, ветры, ветры лестниц.



Скажите, ветры лестниц,

О чем поют там ваши братья в лесах?

Зачем, гремя ступенями

Путать ночь и день, менять адреса?

По трубам завывая,

Откройте тайну, что имели в виду?

Скажите, ветры лестниц,

В какие двери я завтра ночью войду?

Вы скажите, ветры, ветры лестниц.

You leave me

Breathless Ah!

Сегодня утром пока красилась, 5 раз в обморок падала... от своей красоты...

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The Universal



This is the next century

Where the universal's free

You can find it anywhere

Yes, the future has been sold

Every night we're gone

And to karaoke songs

How we like to sing a long

Although the words are wrong


It really, really, really could happen

Yes, it really, really, really could happen

When the days they seem to fall through you, well just let them go


No one here is alone, satellites in every home

Yes the universal's here, here for everyone

Every paper that you read

Says tomorrow is your lucky day

Well, here's your lucky day


It really, really, really could happen

Yes, it really, really, really could happen

When the days they seem to fall through you, well just let them go


Well, it really, really, really could happen

Yes, it really, really, really could happen

When the days they seem to fall through you, well just let them go


Just let them go

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Heart-Shaped Box (Alt.Lirics)


"Are we rolling?"


She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak

I've been buried in a heart-shaped box for weeks

You done undid my magnet tar pit trap

I wish I could catch your cancer when I am sick





I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice


Forever in debt to your priceless advice


Your advice (x3)


I asked me like a Pisces when I've been weak

I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks

And in a magnet tar pit film on your trap

I wish I could catch your cancer when I am black





I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice


Forever in debt to your priceless advice


Your advice (x3)


She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak

I've been locked in heart-shaped coffins for too many weeks

You've drawn me into your magnet tar pit trap

I wish I could kill your cancer when I am black





I've got a new complaint

Forever in debt to your priceless advice


Forever in debt to your priceless advice (x2)


Your advice (x3)


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Bop 'Til You Drop



(Dee Dee Ramone/Johnny Ramone)


Bop 'til you drop

Bop 'til you drop

Bop 'til you drop

Bop 'til you drop


No matter what

You just can't stop

Bop 'til you drop

Bop 'til you drop


Stick 'em up

Give me your money

You act like a big shot

But you're really a dummy


They want your blood

They want every drop

Bop 'til you drop

Bop 'til you drop



You tried and tried

But you're a flop

You're thirty five

Still pushing a mop


No time to cop

Do the cretin hop

Bop 'til you drop

Bop 'til you drop

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What Goes On (Lennon/McCartney/Starkey)



What goes on in your heart?

What goes on in your mind?

You are tearing me apart

When you treat me so unkind

What goes on in your mind


The other day I saw you

As I walked along the road

But when I saw him with you

I could feel my future fold

It's so easy for a girl like you to lie

Tell me why


What goes on in your heart?

What goes on in your mind?

You are tearing me apart

When you treat me so unkind

What goes on in your mind


I met you in the morning

waiting for the tides of time

But now the tide is turning

I can see that I was blind

It's so easy for a girl like you to lie

Tell me why

What goes on in your heart?


I used to think of no on else

But you were just the same

You didn't even think of me

As someone with a name

Did you mean to break my heart and watch me die

Tell me why


What goes on in your heart?

What goes on in your mind?

You are tearing me apart

When you treat me so unkind

What goes on in your mind

In your mind

In your mind

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One time you were my baby chicken

Now you've grown into a fox

And once upon a time I was your little rooster

Am I just one of your cocks?


It's rough justice, oh yeah!

You're gonna have to trust me

It's rough justice

But you know I never break your heart


So put your lips to my hips baby

And tell me what's on your mind

I know you still got that animal attraction for me

It's been a long, long time


It's rough justice, oh yeah!

We never thought it dusty

It's rough justice

But you know I never break your heart


You're feeling loose n' lusty

So if you really want me

It's rough justice

And you know I never break your heart


It's rough justice, oh yeah!

You think you really suss me?

It's rough justice

But you know I never break your heart


First time I saw baby

You were springin' like a young gazelle

And next thing I know, we're way down the road

And you're flying like a bat outta hell


It's rough justice, oh yeah!

You're attitude's disgusting

You're gonna have to trust me

But you know I never break your heart


I give you my possession

Don't want no opposition

It's rough justice

But you know I never break your heart


Ohh!! Come on!!!! Oh yeah!!!!

Whooo!! Come one baby, now....now... now...


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Cigarettes & Alcohol


Is it my imagination

Or have I finally found something worth living for?

I was looking for some action

But all I found was cigarettes and alcohol

You could wait for a lifetime

To spend your days in the sunshine

You might as well do the white line

Cos when it comes on top...


You gotta make it happen!


Is it worth the aggravation

To find yourself a job when there's nothing worth working for?

It's a crazy situation

But all I need are cigarettes and alcohol!


You could wait for a lifetime

To spend your days in the sunshine

You might as well do the white line

Cos when it comes on top...


You gotta make it happen!


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Girl (Lennon/McCartney)



Is there anybody gone to listen to my story

All about the girl who came to stay?

She's the kind of girl you want so much

It makes you sorry;

Still, you don't regret a single day.

Ah girl! Girl!


She's the kind of girl who puts you down

When friends are there, you feel a fool.


When you say she's looking good

She acts as if it's understood.

She's cool, cool, cool, cool,

Girl! Girl! [Was she]


When I think of all the times I've tried to leave her

She will turn to me and start to cry;

And she promises the earth to me

And I believe her.

After all this times I don't know why.

Ah, girl! Girl!


She's the kind of girl who puts you down when friends are there,

You feel a fool.

When you say she's looking good, she acts as if it's understood.

She's cool, cool, cool, cool, Girl! Girl!


Was she told when she was young the pain

Would lead to pleasure?

Did she understand it when they said

That a man must break his back to earn

His day of leisure?

Will she still believe it when he's dead?

Ah girl! Girl! Girl!


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I Wanna Be Your Dog


So messed up

I want you here

In my room

I want you here

Now we're gonna be


And I'll lay right down

In my favorite place


And now I wanna

Be your dog

Now I wanna

Be your dog

Now I wanna

Be your dog

Well c'mon


Now I'm ready

To close my eyes

And now I'm ready

To close my mind

And now I'm ready

To feel your hand

And lose my heart

On the burning sands


And now I wanna

Be your dog

And now I wanna

Be your dog

Now I wanna

Be your dog

Well c'mon


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VNV Nation - Solitary

Set me aflame and cast me free.

Away, you wretched world of tethers.

Through the endless night and day

I have never wanted more.

Always thought that I would stand

before the faceless name of justice.

Like some law unto myself,

like a child of God again.


And if rain brings winds of change

let it rain on us forever.

I have no doubt from what I've seen

that I have never wanted more.

With this line I'll mark the past

as a symbol of beginning.

I have no doubt from what I've seen

that I have never wanted more.


In this picture stands a man,

far away, alone and distant.

Like a solitary field

in some nameless foreign land.

All around the points of light

start to dim and cease transmitting.

Shadows fell on futile games

and then there was nothing more.


Through the screams of falling steel.

By the light of flares and wisdom.

All the doubts I could not face.

All this time I wanted more.

With a line I'll mark the past

as a symbol of beginning.

To the gods whose names we've lost

and the names who gave in vain.


And if rain brings winds of change

let it rain on us forever.

I have no doubt from what I've seen

that I have never wanted more.

With this line I'll mark the past

as a symbol of beginning.

I have no doubt from what I've seen

that I have never wanted more.


Set me aflame and cast me free.

Away, you wretched world of tethers.

Through the endless night and day

I have never wanted more.

Always thought that I would stand

before the faceless name of justice.


Like some law unto myself,

like a child of God again.


And if rain brings winds of change

let it rain on us forever.

I have no doubt from what I've seen

that I have never wanted more.

With this line I'll mark the past

as a symbol of beginning.

I have no doubt from what I've seen

that I have never wanted more.


Sever the line to the guilty past,

to the ones who brought us nothing

Spoke of futures brave and proud

and brought only hate and war.

Lined the roads with hollow praise.

Marked the land with paper statues.


Shadows fell on their futile ways

and then there was nothing more.


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Breathe, breathe in the air

Don't be afraid to care

Leave but don't leave me

Look around and chose your own ground

For long you live and high you fly

And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry

And all you touch and all you see

Is all your life will ever be


Run, rabbit, run

Dig that hole, forget the sun,

And when at last the work is done

Don't sit down, it's time to dig another one

For long you live and high you fly

But only if you ride the tide

And balanced on the biggest wave

You race toward an early grave.


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