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Весь контент Serdar

  1. Serdar

    English Club

    victorian Your story is excellent!
  2. Serdar

    English Club

    After sixteen times She becomes more then just friend !
  3. Serdar

    English Club

    Two advocates get to the cafe, sit at the table and start to eat yours sandwiches. Waiter comes to them and says: -The own food is prohibited here. The advocates look at one another and swap yours sandwiches. After that they go on eating.
  4. Serdar

    English Club

    The form images inside but not always. In this way I have the more flexible approach. Yours motivation is above all.
  5. Serdar

    English Club

    GENESIS The Creation of the World. 28. "....... And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and ........."
  6. Serdar

    English Club

    I think that instead of word 'lie' word 'die'.
  7. Serdar

    English Club

    victorian How about ds-160 form ? http://ceac.state.gov/genniv/
  8. Serdar

    English Club

    Justinianna Nice to meet you.
  9. Serdar

    English Club

    Today is too little 3.2km as before I had period within 5 months without running.
  10. Serdar

    English Club

    The stadium has asphalt track. The result is good for this surface.
  11. Serdar

    English Club

    Good morning! Today in the morning - the morning is especially good. I started to test my sport shoes for stadium and trail running. Today I have just tested green shoes by the stadium.
  12. Serdar

    English Club

    In this episode he has to take park in the competition for the woman. He has so face because does not really wish her.
  13. Serdar

    English Club

    Sounds anthem. The chief issues command: - Raise flag. (Утренняя линейка в пионерлагере)
  14. Serdar

    English Club

    6. I saw my honey today. - Я такой, мой сладкий, сегодня. 7. I know his story well. - Я знаю историю хорошо. 8. Sit down! - Смотри ниже. 9. My hair is black. - Мое место черное.
  15. up to you Предлог - вижу! Примеров с ним - не вижу! Это ЧТО было? - What do you wish on a birthday? - Up to you.
  16. Serdar

    English Club

    See you! In this case I guess the word 'live' minus letter 'v' that is the verb 'lie'.
  17. Serdar

    English Club

    I guess instead of word 'many' should use word 'any'.
  18. Serdar

    English Club

    "Раньше у нас одна половина страны работала, а другая нет. А теперь все наооборот" Черномырдин В.С.
  19. Буддисты молятся Будде и при этом он Богом не является, почему тогда в случае с Николаем Чудотворцем не так ?
  20. Serdar

    English Club

    As it seems me I saw native but spoke with russian speaker. At first was Lena, second forgot to ask name at man and third were trio two girls and boy Yura (names of girls I've already forgotten) Hurrah .... "Gaudeamus igitur, Juvenes dum sumus! Post jucundam juventutem, Post molestam senectutem Nos habebit humus!...." "Итак, будем веселиться, Пока мы молоды! Жизнь пройдёт, иссякнут силы Ждёт всех смертных мрак могилы Так велит природа...."
  21. Serdar

    English Club

    The yesterday I attended English Club. At the first time I was collapsed. All people are opened persons. I like this club.
  22. Serdar

    English Club

    Lady LG (don't can) = (can not) ?
  23. Serdar

    English Club

    victorian That fellow fools around.