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Lady LG

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Весь контент Lady LG

  1. Lady LG

    English Club

    Thank you, Serdar! Of course, I meant "currant" - смородина. I'll correct it at once.
  2. Lady LG

    English Club

    Yes, Serdar, your answer is correct again! "fiction" - худ. лит-ра For the present we have 5 tasks for fun and profit: 1. A puzzle: "Jane talks faster than Mary who talks more slowly than George. Andrew talks faster than Jane, but not so fast as Alice who talks faster than George who (as you know) talks faster than Mary who doesn't talk as fast as Jane. Who talks fastest of all? (It's easy, just write down the names and cross them out) 2. Let's translate from English into Russian: "A man sells currant bushes at the market. A customer comes up to him. - Is your currant black? - No, it's red. - But why is it white? - Because it's green." Do you think English people could understand anything? 3. One more riddle: "What makes a road broad?" 4. Misprint 19. The text below contains a mistake where ONE LETTER in a word IS MISSED. For example, if the word should be BOX it is printed as OX. "HEAD WAITER WANTED FOR FIVE-STAR HOTEL Experience essential, with a good knowledge of food and beverages. The successful applicant will have a smart appearance and peasant manners. 40 hrs/wk. Excellent salary. 5. The story: "Natasha From Russia", I was the last to write, now it's Molly and victorian's turn. Good luck and have fun!
  3. Lady LG

    English Club

    Molly is right! Half a caterpillar is much worse than the whole one. Do you agree? See you!
  4. Lady LG

    English Club

    "And now, my darling," Natasha continued, "it's time to talk on business matters. Your idea of opening a new English school sounds great! You're a native speaker and people will pay a lot of money for your lessons." "Yes," Jack nodded. He felt pleased and important. "Let's start right now. We should advertise our project and we'll do it through the Internet. Where is your notebook? Tell me your nick and password and it'll take me ..." "No," interrupted Natasha and shook her head doubtedly, "I'm afraid we can't advertise anything in the forum. It's forbidden. Our moderators, especially Banner, are very strict. We'll be banned at once. We had better put an advertisement in our local paper, "Puskinski Vestnik."
  5. Lady LG

    English Club

    Molly, your dialogue is gorgeous! We all admire your lively imagination. I couldn't have done it. Serdar, you're right again. Sorry, I can't count up how many misprints you've found. Don't worry, I have lots in stock. For the present we have 5 tasks for fun and profit: 3. Let's translate from English into Russian: "A man sells currant bushes at the market. A customer comes up to him. - Is your currant black? - No, it's red. - But why is it white? - Because it's green." Do you think English people could understand anything? 4. Misprint 18. The text below contains a mistake where a word has an EXTRA letter. For example, if the word should be NOT it is printed as NOTE. "ABRASIVE MEETINGS, a book by V.S. ELION, WINNER OF THE 1998 TATE PRIZE FOR FRICTION, hardback edition - ? 12.00 5. The story: "Natasha From Russia" Dear friends, please send your interesting tasks. See you!
  6. Lady LG

    English Club

    - That's a great idea! Natasha exclaimed. And what's Iren going to be? Go away, you silly cat! Hands off my Jack the chicken! Natasha took a big piece of strawberry cake and threw it at Iren with all her might. After that she pushed her out of the flat and slammed the door.
  7. Lady LG

    English Club

    Yes, Sedar, your answer is correct as usual. "...trained and experienced." "За землю, которую мы любим и за любовь, которую мы находим (к которой причаливаем) Cамира's puzzle: my answers are: headache and heartache. Are they correct? There are 4 tasks for the present: (It's easy, just write down the names and cross them out)3. Misprint 17 MISTRESS: Why did you leave your last place, Sue? MAID: You see, madam, I'm too good-looking and when I would answer the bell, the guests would take me for the mistress of the house and try to miss me." 4. Our story. Molly, victorian, it's your turn! See you!
  8. Lady LG

    English Club

    Well, I see we have nearly nothing to do... And some new tasks for fun and profit: 2. A riddle: "What is worse than finding a caterpillar in your salad?" 3. A puzzle: "Jane talks faster than Mary who talks more slowly than George. Andrew talks faster than Jane, but not so fast as Alice who talks faster than George who (as you know) talks faster than Mary who doesn't talk as fast as Jane. Who talks fastest of all? 4. Misprint 16 The text below contains a mistake where a word has an extra letter. For example, if the word should be not it is printed as note STRESSED? Take the Alternative approach. Aromatherapy, Massage, Yoga, Acupuncture, Reflexology. All our therapists are strained and experienced. Tel. 0331 234 123 5. The story "Natasha from Russia" See you! 6. And Serdar's task above
  9. Lady LG

    English Club

    victorian Great! Самира, this is the answer. The verb CAN has two meanings. CAN - 1 - мочь, уметь 2 - консервировать "We eat what we can and what we can't eat we can." Мы съедаем сколько можем, а что не можем - консервируем Dear friends, write your interesting tasks, please! Back later.
  10. Lady LG

    English Club

    Would you wait a little bit? Let Serdar try, then I'll help you. So long, see you!
  11. Lady LG

    English Club

    I think "lucky escape" means that the motorist didn't collide with another car. Peter wasn't injured though he crashed into a tree. Your answer is right, Самира! " "....wet roads and winds" Unfortunately you're mistaken, Самира. The tourist didn't understand the farmer because his translation was like yours. Try again! Good luck!
  12. Lady LG

    English Club

    Самира! Yes, of course it's a hot-dog! See you! PS I like your new avatar, it's much better than your big black shoe.
  13. Lady LG

    English Club

    Maybe "Natasha From Russia"?
  14. Lady LG

    English Club

    Well done, Serdar! You've found 11 misprints out of 14! George Clooney ordered half a fried chicken and Mrs Hudson was pleased as she got 30 chocolates with a soft centre. Ladies and gentlemen, for today we have the following tasks for fun and profit: 3. Translate from English into Russian: One day a curious tourist after passing a huge field of tomatoes alongside the road stopped and asked the farmer what he did with those tomatoes. "Well," said the farmer, "I'll tell you what we do. We eat what we can and what we can't eat we can." The man went back to his car greatly surprised and said to his wife, "I think he must be crazy. He said they ate what they could and what they couldn't they could." 4. Misprint 15 for Serdar and everyone: LUCKY ESCAPE A motorist had a remarkable escape yesterday when his car left the road during a violent thunderstorm and crashed into a tree. Peter Burgess said that a combinatoin of wet roads and strong wines had caused him to lose control of the car." 5. And our untitled story, PART VI See you!
  15. Девятиэтажка, Крылова 1. 18 лет у нас НЕ БЫЛО ГОРЯЧЕЙ ВОДЫ. Была, конечно, но теплая, холодной редко разбавляли, сотни жалоб написали, все бесполезно. И вдруг летом 2010 при 37-градусной жаре из кранов полился КИПЯТОК!!! Смотреть страшно, прорвет - заживо сваримся. А хуже всего, что в коридорах дома с пола до потолка проходит горячая труба, подающая воду на кухню, т.е. в аномальную жару и смог квартиры еще и усиленно отапливались. Звонили, просили уменьшить тепло, взывали к человечности. Ответили: все по нормативам, это ОЧЕНЬ СЛОЖНО, пишите заявку и ждите около месяца. В сентябре все вернулось на круги своя. Осенью, зимой и весной вода была теплой и часто ржавой. Сейчас июнь и снова течет кипяток. Жары еще не было, а в коридоре +26. Что происходит? Зимой денег нет, а летом есть? ИЛИ ОНИ ЛИШНЕЕ ТОПЛИВО СЖИГАЮТ? Можно было бы понять, если бы круглый год было или так, или сяк. Кстати, на подъезде у нас тоже висит бумажка, что мы задолжали "Теплосети" кучу денег. Интересно узнать, это только у нас или везде? Какова ситуация в других районах города?
  16. Lady LG

    English Club

    Ladies and gentlemen, let's sum up. We have 5 tasks for fun and profit: 1. The "he" puzzle from Самира: "Name an English word of more than 2 letters that both begins and ends with the letters 'he' (in that order)." (Actually, there are two possible correct answers -- and "hehe" is not an acceptable solution.) ( I know ONE answer and I'll help you with it: "What's the matter with John? He looks ill. - He has a terrible ........................." 2. One more riddle:" What kind of dog has no tail?" (Some help: this "dog" is eatable) 3. "Mrs Hudson was given a box of chocolates. The box contained 45 sweets. There were twice as many soft centres as there were hard centres. Mrs Hudson enjoyed eating chocolates with soft centres. Was she pleased with the present? How many chocolates with a soft centre were in the box?" 4. Misprint 14 for Serdar and everyone: The text below contains a mistake where ONE letter in a word is WRONG. For example, if the word should be CAT it is printed as CAB. "George Clooney stopped at a roadside grill bar on his way to Hollywood from his ranch. After waiting for half an hour of half a dried chicken, Mr Clooney asked why such a long delay. "We can't kill half a chicken," snapped the waiter. "We'll have to wait until someone orders the other half." 5. Our untitled story. Good luck, see you!
  17. Lady LG

    English Club

    Very good, Serdar! But we don't need Perfect here (there's no connection with the present) and "if" is more often used than "whether"; if - 1- если 2- ли Translation: "I looked back to see if she looked back to see if I looked back." It sounds nice, doesn't it? Bye, see you!
  18. Lady LG

    English Club

    PART IV And what about Vasya? Did Natasha introduce him to her American boyfriend? Yes, she did. When poor Jack woke up in the morning he entered the kitchen and saw Natasha and Vasya there. They were drinking coffee. "This is my distant relative Jack from America," Natasha said and kissed Jack on the cheek. "Jack, meet my cousin Vasya from Otradnoe," she continued and kissed Vasya on the nose. As Jack didn't speak Russian and Vasya didn't know a word in English, the young men smiled, greeted each other cheerfully and shook hands. She took two cold Jaguars out of the fridge. -Oh no, not again! - Jack moaned. Vasya gently patted Natasha on her hip. "Hm...what interesting relations between a brother and a sister" Jack thought. "Well well well it will be our wedding and honeymoon quite soon and she will see real Jack and forget about everything!" he thought. Oh poor Jack, how naive he was The very next day Jack started looking for a job. He tried some grilled-chicken stalls and found himself in Chekhov Street where the owner, a Gipsy-looking stout woman with golden teeth offered him a job. Jack wasn't even asked for his passport or medical certificate. He put on an apron and set to work immediately. When the young man first saw thin pale blue chickens piled in the cardboard box he could hardly overcome sickness. The chickens looked as if they had died their natural death... But two hours later they looked and smelled so delicious as if they had specially been cooked for the dinner party in honour of the royal family. Jack was starving. His mouth watered. He took a piece of chicken and began eating. - No!!! Spit it out, now! Bad boy, bad boy! The woman put her big fingers in his mouth and took the chicken out of it as if he were a puppy. - If you eat this, you will turn into a goat...oh...no, i wanted to say...the chickens are very tasty, but they are only for our dear russians", said the woman. It was a real riddle for Jack "Maybe Russians like this kind of food? I`ll ask Natashka about it. By the way, what`s about salary?" "Salary? Are you kidding!?", the woman shouted, "You`ll work for food and must be grateful to me!". "Oh no!", Jack exclaimed and ran away. Jack sat down on the grass and breathed some fresh air. He watched people coming up to the Gipsy's stall and buying chickens. "How can Russians eat such disgusting food?" he thought in horror. "And they're still alive and look healthy. What a great nation!" Half an hour later the young man was sitting at McDonald's. He ordered fish and chips, two kingsize hamburgers, two meat pies, fruit salad, vanilla ice-cream and a two-litre bottle of Cola. He hadn't eaten American food for a long time and was really enjoying his meal. Suddenly Jack remembered New York and his girlfriend Jane. She wasn't so attractive as Natasha but she loved him and got a good salary... "What on earth do I need this Natasha and this Russia?" he thought. "Our American girls are much better. And besides I'll never get used to eating their terrible food. When he arrived home, it was empty there. He found a note on the table, "Dear, I went to the beach with Vasya, please cook dinner and tidy the flat. I kiss you, my puppy. Your Nataly." Jack cried and started to cook chicken. At this moment someone knocked at the door. It was Iren, their neighbour. She was wearing supermini and smelled like a rose. "Oh Jack, I`d like to treat you with my strawberry cake, I cooked it myself specially for you. Well, Jack, could you help me? I have a dream to learn English, please would you mind to be my teacher? I`ll be a very very good student." "OK", Jack said, "You`ll speak like Merlin Monro in a year. Let`s start right now." "Oh, sure!", Iren said, "But it`s quite hot here in the kitchen, let`s go to the bedroom. Oh Jack, you are so handsome and your hands, they are so strong and...". She gently touched his cheek with her manicured fingers and Jack hugged her hard and.......... Natasha came in at this moment. (I've put in some sentences in the middle. Molly, victorian, let's write PART V!) So long, see you!
  19. Lady LG

    English Club

    No, Serdar, don't forget: it's a RIDDLE and most riddles are SILLY! See you!
  20. Lady LG

    English Club

    victorian, Serdar, I'm grateful to you for your kind words. I did my best. You see, it depends on inspiration. Serdar, your translation is quite good too but I'd say "My old bast shoes.." (bast shoes - лапти, I looked it up in the dictionary) A bluebird of happiness... But why in the USSR? It has always been in the sky but we're often blind and don't notice it or we're too lazy to follow it... Ladies and gentlemen, you can find some interesting tasks if you open p.41, 17.31, № 1-5 Have a nice weekend! See you!
  21. Lady LG

    English Club

    The very next day Jack started looking for a job. He tried some grilled-chicken stalls and found himself in Chekhov Street where the owner, a Gipsy-looking stout woman with golden teeth offered him a job. Jack wasn't even asked for his passport or medical certificate. He put on an apron and set to work immediately. When the young man first saw thin pale blue chickens piled in the cardboard box he could hardly overcome sickness. The chickens looked as if they had died their natural death...
  22. Грюн, я этим тоже давно интересуюсь, а можно ссылочку на эти "Дощечки", что-то не могу их найти.
  23. Lady LG

    English Club

    Splendid, victorian! Your verse is amazing indeed, I can't help admiring you! You have a natural talent for writing poetry. Самира, no doubt you're right! "$1 PAY AS YOU ENTER" Dear friends, you can find some interesting tasks on page 41, 17.31, No 1-5 and our story isn't finished yet. See you soon!
  24. Lady LG

    English Club

    PART IV And what about Vasya? Did Natasha introduce him to her American boyfriend? Yes, she did. When poor Jack woke up in the morning he entered the kitchen and saw Natasha and Vasya there. They were drinking coffee. "This is my distant relative Jack from America," Natasha said and kissed Jack on the cheek. "Jack, meet my cousin Vasya from Otradnoe," she continued and kissed Vasya on the nose. As Jack didn't speak Russian and Vasya didn't know a word in English, the young men smiled, greeted each other cheerfully and shook hands.
  25. Lady LG

    English Club

    Yes, Serdar, you're right, as usual. "...are following Leo's trail" You've found 10 misprints out of 13! Well, what do we have for today? 1. "Mrs Hudson was given...." page 40 2. Serdar's task: 3. The "he" puzzle from Самира: ( I know ONE answer and I'll help you with it: "What's the matter with John? He looks ill. - He has a terrible ........................." 4. One more riddle:" What kind of dog has no tail?" 5. Translate into English: "Я оглянулся посмотреть, не оглянулась ли она, чтоб посмотреть, не оглянулся ли я." (It's easy, just two verbs: look back and see) 6. A new misprint for Serdar and everyone: The text below contains a mistake where a word has an EXTRA letter. For example, if the word should be NOT it is printed as NOTE. ST MARK'S CHURCH SUMMER FUND-RAISING SALE IN CHURCH HALL 15th JULY 3.00 p.m. $ 1 PRAY AS YOU ENTER 7. And our story, of course See you!